Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Polityczny Teatr


A firefighter in the U.S. got a stabbing order, but wiped his ass with it. He faces consequences.

If I remember correctly, in the movie Braveheart, Wallec's warriors showed their asses to the enemy on the battlefield.



On Nov. 18, a Los Angeles firefighter pulled down his pants at a fire station and wiped his butt with a vaccination order.


Rzecznik straży pożarnej w …

Prezydent Siemianowic jako samotny jeździec w Dzikim Zachodzie kłamstw plan demicznych.


Bodajże jeden na setki włodarzy miast ostrzega ludzi. Jeden Jonasz polityki.



Prezydent Siemianowic Śląskich jest jednym z najzagorzalszych przeciwników rządowych obostrzeń, obowiązku noszenia maseczki czy wreszcie szczepień. – Zobaczcie co się dzieje – mówi Rafał Piech, prezydent


Europe's secret police may have been behind the riots in the Netherlands.

They have everything under control.


There was a lot of destruction in Rotterdam yesterday and I didn't know the backstory of the situation yet. Now new facts are coming to light.


Nie wiem czy pamiętacie jak podczas patriotycznych marszy w Polsce  zwłaszcza na 11 listopada zatrudniona do …

Gates has been exposed as a media sponsor around the world. He donated $319 million.

The struggle continues.

Masses of people are fighting for the truth to come out and one of them is investigative journalist Alan Macleod, who has released financial data:


Billionaire Bill Gates potajemnie przeznaczył 319 milionów dolarów na wybrane media głównego nurtu na


The Dutch are deliberately infecting themselves with Corona to avoid getting stabbed.

This system exposes itself even in the cursory methods of defending people against stabbings.



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