Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Polityczny Teatr


A syringe-shaped nativity scene was erected in Taiwan's capital city. Luciferianism is gaining strength.

An incredible profanity and blasphemy occurred in Taiwan's capital city of Taj Pej.



Above the syringe is a cross. Indeed it is an ordeal caused by Satan's men.


Zastępca Dyrektora Polskiego Biura w Tajpej  na Tajwanie  Bartosz Ryś przedstawia na tweecie szopkę …

Axios recommends that families set up a BROKER COWID in front of their home for the holidays.


The left-wing website Axios recommends its godless readers organize a bouncer for Thanksgiving.


“Nikt tak naprawdę nie chce tej pracy, ale miliony gospodarstw domowych mogą potrzebować własnego bramkarza na Święto Dziękczynienia”


Portale podobnie jak blogi kształtują światopogląd a …

Has a clock been erected in Warsaw measuring the time to the end of the Great Tribulation?



In the center of Warsaw a huge clock was set up in October. It counts down the time until the climate catastrophe. One month ago it was 7 years and 275 days.


If we assume that the countdown occurred in October, the start of the 7-year period would be around July  ...

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