Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Privacy Policy

Who we are

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What personal information we collect and why we collect it




When a visitor to the site leaves a comment, we collect the data you see on the comment form, as well as the visitor's IP address and browser signature to help us detect spam.

An anonymized string created from your email address (so-called hash) can be sent to the Gravatar service to verify that you are using it. The privacy policy of the Gravatar service is available here: When you approve a comment, your profile picture is publicly visible in the context of your comment.


If you are a registered user and upload images to the site, you should avoid uploading images with EXIF location tags. Site visitors can download and read the full location data from images on the site.


Contact forms


If you leave a comment on our site, you can choose to have your name, email address and website address saved in cookies so that when you write subsequent comments the above information is conveniently completed. These cookies expire after one year.

If you have an account and log in to this site, we will create a temporary cookie to verify that your browser accepts cookies. This cookie does not contain any personal information and will be discarded when you close your browser.

When you log in, we additionally create some cookies needed to save your login information and selected screen options. The login cookies expire after two days and the screen options expire after one year. If you check the "Remember Me" option, your login expires after two weeks. If you log out of your account, your login cookies will be deleted.

If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be stored in your browser. This cookie does not contain any personal information, simply an identifier for the article you just edited. It expires after 1 day.

Embedding content from other sites

Articles on this site may contain embedded content (e.g., videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other sites behaves similarly to how a user would behave if they visited a specific site directly.

These sites may collect information about you, use cookies, attach additional third-party tracking systems, and monitor your interactions with embedded material, including tracking your interactions with embedded material if you have an account and are logged into that site.

Analysis of statistics

With whom we share data

How long we keep your data

If you leave a comment, its content and metadata will be stored indefinitely. This allows us to recognize and approve subsequent comments automatically, without sending them to moderation each time.

For users who have registered on our website (if any), we also store the personal information entered in their profile. Any user may review, correct or delete his or her personal information at any time (except for his or her user name, which cannot be changed). Site administrators may also view and modify this information.

What rights do you have to your data

If you have a user account or have posted comments on this site, you may request that we provide you with a file containing an export of all of the personal information we have about you, including all personal information provided by you. You may also request that we delete all personal information that we have about you. This does not include any data which we are required to retain for administrative, legal or security reasons.

Where we send the data

Visitor comments can be checked using an automated spam detection service.

Your contact details


Your email and login are only for the use of the blog author.


Additional information


How do we protect your data?


Google statistics, based in Ireland, are installed on the site.

Niektórzy spośród firm zewnetrznych jak Google czy Facebook mają siedzibę poza terytorium EOG. dba związku z przekazaniem Twoich danych poza terytorium EOG, aby dostawcy dawali gwarancje wysokiego stopnia ochrony danych osobowych. Gwarancje te wynikają w szczególności ze zobowiązania do stosowania standardowych klauzul umownych przyjętych przez Komisję (UE) lub uczestnictwa w programie „Tarcza Prywatności” ustanowionym na mocy decyzji wykonawczej Komisji (UE) 2016/1250 z dnia 12 lipca 2016 r. w sprawie adekwatności ochrony zapewnianej przez Tarczę Prywatności UE-USA.


What procedures we have in place in the event of a data privacy breach




From which third parties we receive data




Use of cookies and other similar technologies by other parties

Blog allows other entities to use cookies and other similar technologies on their websites


  • Social networking plugins:

- Facebook - on the blog there are Like and Recommend/Share buttons linked to Facebook. For this purpose, in relevant sections and pages the code referring to Facebook is placed. By using the Like button or recommending an image or a section of the page, you are logging into Facebook, which is bound by Facebook's privacy policy. This privacy policy can be viewed at

- Youtube - the website embeds (using the embedding mechanism) video materials from YouTube. For this purpose, in relevant sections and pages a code referring to YouTube is placed. YouTube tracks the playback of video clips, and this tracking is done in accordance with its privacy policy, which is available


What automated decision-making and/or profiling we conduct using your data



Industry regulatory disclosure requirements


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