Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Privacy Policy.

PRIVACY POLICY of the website

The following policy describes how the website

collects and processes personal data of website users


The Policy does not apply to websites or services that reference other policies or privacy statements.

This privacy policy may be subject to change in the future. Each time we make changes, we will post a new version of the privacy policy on this page.

We encourage you to visit the Site to see the current version.


Privacy protection


1. guarantees users of the blog the right to choose what information they want to share.

2. fully respects the right to privacy and protection of personal data of Users.

3 allows you to use the service anonymously, but in order to obtain a subscription it is advisable to register by completing the available registration forms.

(4) Any transfer of information to third parties shall be made if required by applicable law, and with the prior consent of the Users, in order to provide a given Service,


Data protection

1. Where can you find key information related to the processing of personal data?



2. What data do we process in connection with the blog ?

This is called web data, which contextually to the service may include the following informationplaces visited, information about the end device or browser including its location, time of visit.


3.  How long do we keep your data?

We keep your data no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, unless applicable law requires us to keep it longer. As a general rule, we delete or anonymize internet data after a period of 90 days. Data contained in cookies is stored for the period specified below in the section on cookies and similar technologies

4.  Do we share your information? pays special attention to protecting its users' data.


Google statistics, based in Ireland, are installed on the site.

Niektórzy spośród firm zewnetrznych jak Google czy Facebook mają siedzibę poza terytorium EOG. dba związku z przekazaniem Twoich danych poza terytorium EOG, aby dostawcy dawali gwarancje wysokiego stopnia ochrony danych osobowych. Gwarancje te wynikają w szczególności ze zobowiązania do stosowania standardowych klauzul umownych przyjętych przez Komisję (UE) lub uczestnictwa w programie „Tarcza Prywatności” ustanowionym na mocy decyzji wykonawczej Komisji (UE) 2016/1250 z dnia 12 lipca 2016 r. w sprawie adekwatności ochrony zapewnianej przez Tarczę Prywatności UE-USA.


5.  The legal basis for processing your personal data, is:

  • entering into and performing an agreement to access blog resources
  • consent expressed: e.g. to save and read cookies in accordance with the provisions of the cookies policy (indicated below)
  • Realization of the legitimate interest of Internet data is processed for the purpose of detecting and preventing abuse of the telecommunications network as well as for analytical purposes.

6 In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27.04.2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (Official Journal of the EU L 119, p. 1) you are entitled to:

a. The right to express and revoke consent to, among other things, the reading or recording of cookies,

b. the right to bring:

  • object to the processing of your data for direct marketing purposes;
  • objections
  • a justified objection to the processing of your personal data within the framework of the legally justified interests, on grounds related to your particular situation;

c. the right of access to your data, including obtaining a copy of the data being processed, also in electronic form;

d. The right to rectify (amend) your personal data if your data held by us is inaccurate or incomplete;

e. The right to delete your data if they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected, and has no grounds to process them, e.g. on the basis of your consent or performance of a legal obligation;

f. the right to portability of the data you provide to us in machine-readable format, e.g. if you would like to share it with another service provider;

g. the right to restrict the processing of your data in the following cases (please indicate one of the following cases when submitting your request):

  • if you have concerns about the accuracy of your information;
  • if you believe that we should not process your data, but at the same time you do not want us to delete it;
  • if we no longer need such personal information, but you need it in connection with a claim;
  • if you have objected to the processing of your data and it is our responsibility to check whether we should continue to process it;

h. The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.


„Cookies” – co to jest?

Cookies (ciasteczko) to maleńkie „porcje” informacji, zapisywane przez przeglądarkę użytkownika wykorzystywaną do przeglądania Internetu. Wszyscy stosują pliki cookies po to, aby strony internetowe pamiętały preferencje użytkownika – jak na przykład ustawienie miasta w prognozie pogody, Z technologii cookies NIE korzystamy w celu zbierania danych osobowych bezpośrednio identyfikujących użytkownika takich jak imię i nazwisko, adres zamieszkania, adres e-mail czy numer telefonu. Cookies NIE ingeruje wcale  na oprogramowanie użytkownika ani sprzęt.


How do cookies and other similar technologies tailor our websites and applications to you?

The information stored in cookies helps to adapt the content of the website to the expectations of users. For example, analytical cookies are used to analyse the reach of our services and the behaviour of users, in particular their preferences and level of satisfaction, which in turn allows us to constantly improve the content of the blog

Cookies used for authentication, enable use of services after authorization and provide a number of facilities, e.g. easy login, completion of forms, remembering the settings of websites selected by the user.



Why and how do we use cookies and other similar technologies?

uses cookies and other similar technologies on its website for the following purposes:

  • Analysis of website hits.
  • Use of preferences for contextual advertising, e.g. by Google




The average period for which we store this information for the purposes indicated above is up to 30 days after collection. Some information, such as service preferences or authorization data, may be stored longer if you do not clear your browser cookies or the cache of the application you are using.

Use of cookies and other similar technologies by other parties

Blog allows other entities to use cookies and other similar technologies on their websites


  • Social networking plugins:

– Facebook – na blogu znajdują się przyciski Lubię to i Rekomenduj/Podziel się powiązane z serwisem Facebook. W tym celu w odpowiednich sekcjach i stronach umieszczany jest kod odwołujący się do serwisu Facebook. Używając przycisku Lubię to lub rekomendując obraz bądź sekcje strony, użytkownik loguje się w serwisie Facebook, w którym obowiązują zasady ochrony prywatności firmy Facebook. Z zasadami tymi można zapoznać się

– Youtube – na stronach internetowych osadzane są (z wykorzystaniem mechanizmu tzw. embedowania) materiały wideo udostępniane w serwisie YouTube. W tym celu w odpowiednich sekcjach i stronach umieszczany jest kod odwołujący się do serwisu YouTube. YouTube śledzi odtwarzanie klipów wideo, a śledzenie to odbywa się zgodnie z zasadami ochrony prywatności, które są dostępne



Terms and conditions for the use of cookies or other similar technologies

Most browsers allow users to control cookies in their privacy settings.

If the user does not want to receive cookies, he can change his browser settings. We warn that disabling cookies necessary for Authentication, Security, maintaining User Preferences will make it difficult to use websites and in extreme cases may make it impossible to use these sites.

To clear data from mobile applications, depending on the system that is installed on the mobile device, you must:

For Android:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Go to Application
  3. Search for a particular application
  4. Select Memory
  5. Wybrać opcję „Wyczyść dane”

For iOS:

iOS does not allow you to wipe app data. The only solution is to remove and reinstall the app. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Wchodząc w Ustawienia, następnie w Ogólne i w Pamięć. Tam należy wyszukać daną aplikację, wejść w jej ustawienia i zaznaczając opcję „Usuń aplikację”.
  2. Przytrzymując palec na ikonce danej aplikacji do momentu pojawienia się „X” w lewym górnym rogu aplikacji. Klikając w „X” usuwa się aplikację wraz z danymi.

Instructions for managing cookies

Desktop platform
To manage your cookie settings, select the web browser you are using from the list below and follow the instructions:

Mobile devices:










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