The devil will not leave Poland if anyone has any idol whether it be Ukraine, or Russia, or sports, or the so-called Virgin Mary.
The lies of this world
The devil will not leave Poland if anyone has any idol whether it be Ukraine, or Russia, or sports, or the so-called Virgin Mary.
There is no other martyrdom than Ukrainian.
But Poles are excluded....
The neighbors could be in rich Germany, France, Austria, but they are in Poland.
May there be more films like this.
Just a reminder that I have been banned from fey for a month starting today.
When some make martyrdom of Ukrainians others make Putin a savior from Deep State, child trafficking in Ukraine, but the truth is different:
Jeśli Polacy masowo nie …
Very interesting story and analysis of Zelenski.
Maciej Maciak, commenting on the recent events, has all the hallmarks of a Christian although he is not one, unlike Zionist pastors: a sense of justice, fairness, social empathy.
Ten dziennikarz włocławski mimo, iż nie jest nawróconym człowiekiem jest o …
There are no poor people in Poland.
There was already a certain disease being a celebrity, and now a certain nationality is fashionable.
New holoc.....t.
New Saints.
Nieważne co robi się z Polakami. Nieważne, że to ten upodlony i biedny naród przyjmuje sąsiadów, a …
Actually, this case does not surprise me, but it shows that the Zionist pastorate is beginning to expose itself.
You'll see how the next ones pan out.
Powtarzam: o ile plandemia była pierwszym testem na uczestnictwo w systemie bestii tak kwestia Ukrainizacji Polski i wspieranie jednej …
While we have freedom of speech and so I am copying our sister's message to me:
“Ukraińcy i tak rządzą Polską. 6 stycznia zrobili wolne od pracy bo mają swoją Wigilię. W Koszalinie w ratuszu i starostwie najważniejsze stanowiska to Ukraińcy. W …
To, że Zełenski stał się już bohaterem ponadnarodowym, nie mam żadnych wątpliwości, ale bezkrytyczne przyjęcie go jako wyzwoliciela Ukrainy kiedy dyryguje nim NATO, pokazuje nie tyle infantylność świata w tym mocną naiwność i brak poznania Boga przez Polaków, a dowodzi …
Even quite a bit before the war, I wrote and said that the war was to, among other things, cover up murders with potions.
KhazarBook censors me, and so I had to change certain words.
The latest figures released by the UK's Health Security Agency confirm a dramatic increase in deaths among the triple stabbing population, ...
Recently, during a voice conversation on Discord and in a chat room, some Brothers and Sisters admitted that they had given in to the mania of exploring information around the wars, which caused them to be distant from God and anxious.
You could feel the adrenaline, excitement and waves of emotions.
Jednak mając …