Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Think about what country you are defending and what flag you are flying.

As I am free of any idols and am neither a Russophile nor a Turkslavian, nor am I in the pastoral system that first promoted Kovidism and now promotes the cult of Ukraine in Poland I cannot be accused of any bias.

I don't identify with either Protestantism, of which there are none (they're Zionists), let alone Catholicism.


Zelenski on Feb. 26 said he would defend Ukraine:



So which Ukraine does Zelenski want to defend and which country's flag do the Poles mindlessly fly?


  1. Organ trafficking.

A drastic video of people's bodies being shredded for organ resale is circulating on the Internet. Below is a confirmation of the existence of this practice on a mainstream portal:,114881,21017086,nauczycielka-z-ukrainy-probowala-sprzedac-uczennice-na-organy.html

The organ trade in Ukraine is valued at 80 million euros.


   2. “Ukraine is now the largest exporter of prostitutes do Europy”. Cytat z Newsweeka.


“Ukraińskie MSW szacuje, że prostytutek jest 110-250 tys”



This industry is estimated to be worth 141 million.


3. cocaine trafficking:,487485.html


The value of cocaine trafficking in Ukraine is 100 million euros.


4. Mega corruption 


“Korupcja jest wymieniana jednym tchem wśród bolączek, jakie niszczą demokrację Ukrainy. Dziś uważa tak prawie 80 proc. obywateli, którzy obwiniają rządzących o jej tolerowanie.

Corrupt were the border guards, to whom everyone crossing the border slipped a few dozen dollars in their passports retinawhich was treated almost as an obligation. Takeaways brała drogówka, urzędnicy za załatwienie prostej sprawy, hotelowa obsługa za udostępnienie faksu, nauczyciele za lepsze oceny, pracownicy uczelni za zdany egzamin. Powszechne było przekonanie, że nie da się nic załatwić bez łapówki. Specjaliści mówią o korupcji urzędniczej i gospodarczej.”



5 Ukrainian Nazism.




In 2014, a Ukrainian neo-Nazi militia called the Azov Battalion was created to fight Russian separatism. It was then incorporated into the National Guard, making it an official part of the Ukrainian military. There is no secret about the unit's ideological commitments. Azov members wear uniforms decorated with SS symbols, swastikas, and patches in honor of Nazism. Its leader once stated that "the historical mission of our people at this critical moment is to lead the White races of the world in the final crusade for their survival."

Batalion Azow został nie tylko legitymizowany przez rząd ukraiński, ale otrzymał wsparcie i szkolenie zarówno od Kanady , jak i Stanów Zjednoczonych . Oficerowie jednostki wypowiadali się publicznie o szkoleniu, jakie otrzymali od zachodnich potęg wojskowych oraz wsparciu, jakie mają w społecznościach diaspory ukraińskiej w Ameryce Północnej.”



I could add what the mainstream doesn't say but whispers in the underground: chemical labs, chemtrails, Lubavitcher Mecca, etc.



This is the kind of country you want flying your flags?

Those pastors who promote the martyrdom of Ukraine or praise Zelenski are disgusting people. With Jesus on their lips they preach the idol of Ukraine.


With that in mind, think 10 times before you attach a flag to your house or stick a flag of something you don't know on your car.


Average Ukrainians, like Russians, are commodities in the hands of Khazar masters.

In Poland, on the other hand, the New Deal was created to keep the Ukrainians who have been resettled. These are not refugees but displaced people. People driven out by Khazarian invaders.


No pastor can tell you all this because theology is taught in the churches, not practical Christianity.


Get out of the churches and do not authorize the system of the beast, the daughters of the harlot.

If now an idol is made of a man who brings you to what you have read, what will happen when the antichrist appears? The mass of Christians will worship the antichrist.

Let's separate ourselves from them right now.



The world is not as it is presented to you.




Updated: 18 March 2022 — 11:24

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