Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The circle of credible creators is shrinking.

At the beginning of the plandemic I wrote that it would be a test of the credibility of religions, mainly Protestant ones. Of course, they failed that test. Pastors instead of warning it urged stabbing, masks and even required in their churches.

In turn, the few who warned are now participating in the campaign to resettle Ukrainians in poor Poland by perpetuating the rhetoric of the Khazarian beast system.

They say the same thing as Nergal:




Let's be honest - I will use this term for the first time and for good - what we are dealing with is the Khazarian World Order. In English the abbreviation would be KWO - Khazarian World Order.


You can replace the first letter with a zet and a period and it's all the same. But let's be accurate and reliable and in the process purge ourselves of anti-Semitism.


Our beloved apostle Paul was a Benjamite and the other apostles were beloved Judeans. Our King beloved Jesus came from the tribe of Judah.

In contrast, we do not recognize a political movement that impersonates the Judeans. A movement that is sarcastically calling the thirteenth tribe of Israel.


Khazars are everywhere: in Protestantism, Catholicism, Orthodoxy, nationalism (Azov), communism, liberalism and they are the creators of plandemi and resettlement actions of Ukrainians at the expense of Poles.

Someone who doesn't see this is either being lied to or is an agent, and while the average Pole, the average Protestant from churches not protesting at all has the right to be deceived, pastors by definition have no right not to know what I write here. Don't they know that both Putin and Zelenski are under the boot of the Lubavitcher Khazar sect?



Wasn't it the Holy Spirit that led them to this?


And what about anti-establishment sites, YT TV, bloggers?

Can't they see that there is Khazaria on both sides of the conflict? Don't they see that it was NATO in agreement with Russia that orchestrated this conflict for which they spent years preparing?


Therefore, anyone who does not talk about Khazaria and the agreement of the two sides is suspect, especially pastors praying for peace in Ukraine when this theater is directed.


I urge and press you my blog readers: either a Zionist pastorate upholding mainstream rhetoric or my blog. Learn to sanctify yourselves. Either I am a loveless heretic or they are agents. Someone you should abandon.

If I am the evil one then immediately stop reading me because that is what Scripture says.

"Do not walk in a foreign yoke with unbelievers; for what has righteousness to do with unrighteousness, or what fellowship between light and darkness?" 


Khazar supremacy is a simple test of truthfulness. They may tell you a lot of truth, but if they are not talking about false Judeans it means they are lying to you.

Do you really want to be that stupid?



The militant secular state celebrated Hanukkah.





Do only a few bloggers see the truth?

Why do you think PLANdemia was created around the world? Would it have been possible if not for the unity in thinking of all governments? If not for the Khazarian World Order?


Now we have another sieve - the war in Ukraine. However, there will be another sieve during the Great Biblical Tribulation - either support for the antichrist or for Jesus and this will be the final filter for the sincerity of the intentions of people who influence others.





Updated: 20 March 2022 — 12:28

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  1. I think that the vast majority of the society is unaware or push some facts out of their minds because it is easier and more pleasant. I think that the vast majority of the society is unaware or represses certain facts from their minds because it is easier and more pleasant. This is the thinking of the majority and when it comes to the issue of faith and going deeper, it is a taboo subject, better not to bring up. Therefore, for these people the great tribulation will be a shock, a kind of collision with a wall, because everything that they have built and planned will collapse like a house of cards! I don't consider myself better than others but I seek the truth and that is what makes me different. Since this c-19 I feel like I am living in a matrix world and I wonder what am I doing here? From 10 years ago I thought I was a free man and would achieve a lot, but when I contrast my ideas from then with now, this whole world, this false history, this system of exploitation makes me realize that I am living in slavery to this world. But Jesus said "If you abide in my teaching, you are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free". Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only way, the truth and the life.
    Apparently, the time has come that lies mixed with the truth will start to separate from each other, which we can see right before our eyes, for example false teachers in the Church or Protestantism and various gurus from YT. Each person will choose their own direction and there are two options and then it will turn out who is who.

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