Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Morawiecki says after hosting displaced people, Poles must prepare for sacrifices, high inflation and less money"

First there was the 2021 eviction ban law, then the refugee law, in between the New (dis)Deal, the refugee admission in March, and now Morawiecki the Prime Minister tells us there will be high inflation, less money in our wallets, economic turmoil and stagnation.

I pity the displaced Ukrainians just as I pity the Palestinians.


To think that all it takes to steal from the Polish people is a suit and a television.

Nie będę tego szerzej komentował. Chyba czas na edukację się kończy…


Updated: 18 March 2022 — 17:57


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  1. For us, it's not a surprise. Everything according to plan.
    Instead, everyone in front of the TV and many people around each person think that the war will quickly end and life will return to normal.
    We know that it will only get worse. These are the times described in Revelation.

  2. Mamy trzech “specjalistów”, ten akurat jest od głodu, poprzedni był/jest od zarazy. Coraz częściej wypowiada się taki niższy – spec od wojny. Mówi że Polska będzie następna. Pewnie będzie bo taki mają plan. Wszyscy oni jadą na jednym koniu – śmierci.

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