Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

TV presenter calls for genocide of Russians by killing their children.

There is much talk about the bestiality of the Russians, which in principle should be subject to verification like any other news, but what I will present below is authentic information.


Quoting Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann, Ukrainian Channel 24 television presenter Fahruddin Sharafmal, called on his compatriots to destroy the Russian people by killing their children and urged Ukrainians to "kill at least one Muscovite" - a derogatory term for a Russian - anyone.

Eichmann was a senior SS officer who played a key role in setting up Nazi death camps during World War II. Despite fleeing to Latin America, he was captured and tried in Israel in 1960 and sentenced to death for war crimes.


Admittedly, a few days later, a journalist named Sharafmal apologized for his harsh statements, saying that he thought his statements were unacceptable - both as a journalist and as a human being. But c abundance of heart the mouth speaks. This is the result of Ukrainian Nazism.


The problem is still that this is not an isolated case, for in 2014 a Ukrainian journalist openly called for genocide in Dombass on Hromadske TV:

"The Donetsk region has a population of about 4 million, of which at least 1.5 million are expendable... The Donbas must be exploited as the resource that it is. I don't claim to have a recipe for a quick fix, but the most important thing to do - no matter how cruel it sounds - is that there is a certain category of people, who should be exterminated."


Hromadske TV is reportedly, or was at the time, funded directly by the US and Dutch embassies.

Truth in Ukraine is no more because Volodymyr Zelenski disconnected three TV stations overnight - 112, NewsOne and ZIK .


Dear Poles, among the actual misfortunes resulting from the resettlement of Ukrainians, we will also experience the negative effects of the creation of what I have recently been calling the POLIN OF BOTH NATIONS.


In the video below, strong words are spoken.

"Even Kolomoisky He admitted: "Yes, Nazis, I sponsored them, I helped them, because I want to chase Yanukovych away."


Ihor Kolomoisky is also behind Zelensky's rise from comedian to president of Ukraine .


Rejoicing and bowing to the idol of Remfan/Saturn.




Who is this influential person?



Ihor Valeryovych Kolomoisky - Ukrainian entrepreneur, media magnate, owner of Dnipro FK football club, activist of the Jewish community in Ukraine, president of the United Jewish Community in the country since 2008.



Ukraine's president and prime minister are Khazars. Khazar oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky took political control of the country with the help of an influential Orthodox sect Chabad- Lubavitch (also present in Poland).


 Menachem Schneerson, the founder of the sect, preached in his religious tracts: "Gentile civilization should disappear from the face of the earth; the Jews are God's governors and the destiny of the rest of humanity is to serve the Jews." On another occasion he wrote: "We will drive the Slavic cattle far to the north."


Oligarch Kolomoisky, through his subordinate, expressed his and Chabad's ultimate goal in Dnipropetrovsk: To build a new state in Ukraine, a promised land, a new Zion.


That's why a huge menorah-shaped complex was built in Dnipropetrovsk:



This modern building consisting of seven towers, with heights of six, eleven, sixteen and twenty-one floors respectively; with a total area of about 50000 square meters can be the headquarters.

What I have is the revival of the Khazar Empire, which will most likely have its new Jerusalem in Dnipropetrovsk.


No pastor, pope, Ziemkiewicz, Korwin Mikke or Bosak will tell you all this.

They have everything under control.


So don't let Dear Pole get involved in the conflict: bad versus good. Both sides are bad, and there is even more bad news about Ukraine so far.

Get out of the churches and come to the Water of Life which is Jesus the incarnate Word.






Updated: 18 March 2022 — 17:16

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