Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

What package do the resettlers come with?

Another interesting comment found on the internet. This time by a Polish patriot:



1. Ukraine is twice the size of Poland, with 600,000 sq. km.

2) The images of destruction you see on TV are max 20 sq km

3 It is the government of Ukraine that should first provide shelter for its citizens in the large part of the non-combat areas.

4 There are more than a quarter of a million people with HIV/AIDS in Ukraine who are told by the media that retroviral drugs will last only a few weeks.

5. men who may leave Ukraine are those with service discharges. They are not only fathers of 3+ children, but also HIV/AIDS seropositive, people with drug-resistant tuberculosis and congenital syphilis.

There are 600,000 people in Ukraine diagnosed with drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB is still in the top 10 fatal diseases)

7. highly infectious hepatitis C virus arrives

8. No one is investigating people crossing the border right now...which creates a deadly threat.

9. the Polish HIV/AIDS Center is already up and running - therapy, testing and medication are to be free for refugees.

In Poland, there are an estimated 30,000 people infected with HIV, including about 5,000 diagnosed with AIDS. - Ukraine, on the other hand, has about 5000 infected people diagnosed has a quarter of a million!

11 Congenital syphilis is also very dangerous and the incidence has increased by more than 70 percent in recent years.

12. nobody, nobody warns people. Nobody warns the Polish society to be careful, that families with small children and pregnant women should avoid using common toilets, baths and dishes with strangers.

13.I don't understand why there is a widespread belief that Ukraine is safe for Poland.... as if history contradicts it.

14 - I am not a Russian troll, on the contrary! I will not cheer for the mayor of Kiev who still has a Russian passport, His grandfather Rodion Klitschko was an NKVD officer who was sent to the Polish borderlands to introduce Stalinism, the boxer's father was a Soviet army general, and the famous boxing champion himself served in the Russian military....

15. since assets are being taken from the children and grandchildren of Russian oligarchs and kicked out of Western countries, I don't understand why this is not done in Poland with the grandchildren of Stalinists. That is, what should have been done after 1989.

16. with all due respect Gentlemen... but you should first take care of the interests of your own country and nation! (like Mr. Orban for example)... you always liked him so much and suddenly you are closer to Kaczynski's politics than to Orban's national politics. It is very sad.

17) I urge you to take care of the interests of your own nation (as long as it is a Polish nation). Take care that no epidemic of HIV, drug-resistant tuberculosis, syphilis and HCV breaks out in Poland! I encourage all readers to use masks nowadays and be extra careful... because covidium is a piece of cake compared to drug-resistant TB!



Very good commentary characterized by the justice of God.



Suddenly there is no covidium, suddenly citizens of non-EU countries can enter Poland at PANDEMIA TIME without any documents proving their health.

All this shows that these two years have been the WRONG WILL of the Khazar manipulators, which the Poles, devoid of common sense, fell for. I am no longer writing about the Holy Spirit to pseudo-protestants, which introduces every truth, not only theological, but every truth that allows you to see what is good and what is evil. The pandemic was a failure of pseudo-Protestantism. The mass of people let themselves be trembled and now the mass believes in this embarrassing spectacle based on feelings and emotions. Suddenly regulations and epidemiological danger are not important. Now the yellow and blue flag is important.


In the name of a virus that cannot be isolated, companies were shut down and people committed suicide and lost their lives. Nobody cared.

Where was the sensitivity of those who now wave the yellow and blue flags.

Now these mindless, incomprehensible Poles don't care that the New (non-) Order will finish off the middle class. The important thing is that you will feel, together with others stupefied by the TV, as a man with a heart just like for the WOSP created by Khazaria.


It won't be long before the last one turns out the lights.





Updated: 21 March 2022 — 07:58

1 Comment

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  1. Great article, immediately flies to share. God bless you Peter.

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