Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Idolatry is reaching its zenith. But the payoff will come.

One of the many proofs of Polish idolatry, a mega mural in Krakow placed on a building:


Photo: Facebook


The Poles will be punished for this mass idolatry because the second commandment is clearly being broken:


You will not make yourself an image engraved, nor any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth. 5You will not bow down to them or serve them. I am the LORD your God, strong, envious, punishing the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me; 6and doing mercy to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments. Ex.20



When calamity comes upon these idolaters, let them remember the second commandment truncated by the church of Rome. Just as they can already recall what happened to Poland, which was from sea to sea:


"April 1, 1656 In the cathedral in Lvov, surrounded by bishops and senators, in the presence of the papal legate, King John Casimir made his vows before the picture of Our Lady of Grace and solemnly proclaimed Mary Queen of the Polish Crown."


The painting of the so-called Virgin Mary, a black figure, was a gift from the SS of Rome, or Jesuits.




Since then, Poland has ceased to count on the map of Europe.


More about the curse weighing on Poland. Updated 12.11.2014


The last remnants of Polishness took place before the Second World War. After the war the United Nations was established as the foundation of the Khazarian world government along with numerous Khazarian offshoots like the International Monetary Fund.

The first president of the World Bank:



Pastors will not tell you this. You have to come to a site like mine for such information. The churches are nothing but theological forges under the control of pro-Israel traitors.


Hell is paved with good intentions, and the people of Sodom probably helped themselves as well.


Do you want to help? Help, but don't give in to idolatry of the object of worship.

And maybe you should think sometimes whether you have empathy for Poles, whom the Khazar media do not promote.

Maybe think how much it will cost the middle class, how many businesses will be destroyed. All in the name of solidarity with Greater Ukraine.

Praise for Ukraine....

...but not from me and not from us Bible believers.


If we have to help anymore.

  1. Let us demand as Poles a structured program on the issue of Ukrainian displaced persons. Financial support from the EU and the USA. Construction of settlements for displaced persons.
  2. Tax cuts for the middle class, elimination of vat and excise taxes on fuel.
  3. Medical research of displaced persons.
  4. Government declarations for what period of time a million people arrive.
  5. Opening Ukrainian schools with EU money.

I call for sorting out these and many other issues. Aid yes, but not wild resettlement at the expense of Poles for NATO's war with Russia.


What is happening is a savage displacement of one community to another, with the goal of finishing off the hosts.

We have already had an example of letting in a foreign nation once in history.

It is true that Casimir, wrongly called the Great, was not the first to let the Khazars in, but he did grant them privileges, additionally marrying a certain Esther.

Now the guests are our hosts, and they were refugees after getting a beating in 965 from the Kiev prince Sviatoslav.

From then on, there was a migration of them to Europe and the largest concentration was in Poland, Ukraine and Russia.

It is from them that we have communism, wars, and harangues and hatred of God's Law.


Just who cares what I write.....Garst of thinkers who seek the truth and therefore Praise God for you.

May God bless you with wisdom and all grace in this in overcoming your sins. In the name of Jesus. Amen,





Updated: 21 March 2022 — 09:30

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