Category: The lies of this world
The lies of this world
Ukrainian soldiers shoot Russian prisoners in the legs and bleed them to death.
But who cares....
Picky Ukrainians.
“Są ludzie, którzy przybywają tutaj charakterze uchodźców, zaznaczam w charakterze uchodźców, dostają tu mieszkanie, bezpłatnie. Tak nie są to apartamenty, na jakie liczyli, nie hotele pięciogwiazdkowe. […] Polacy pomagają naszym Ukraińcom. Zapewniają im dach nad głową. Oni kręcą nosem, oni …
2 years ago Gazeta Prawna wrote a critical article about Azov and Ukraine and today it has the flag in its logo...
This is for archiving purposes.,pul-azow-ukraina-strefa-wplywow.html
Why don't you have Poland in your profile?
The same people who now have the flag of Ukraine in their profiles
did not identify with the Independence March and not because Poland is not independent, because it is, but because they are not patriots.
Rozumiem, że część ludzi to …
Successful Programming.
Whatever they collude in rmf, tvp, Polsat, TVN, GW will be so....
Rev. Mark Baek's Voice of Reason.
I received a link to this video to also pray for this priest for liberation from Roman Catholicism, a system that, after all, supports Ukrainomania.
A lot of wise words. We have undeniable common ground and perspective here on the action of resettling Ukrainians.
Film obecnie …
What package do the resettlers come with?
Another interesting comment found on the internet. This time by a Polish patriot:
1. Ukraine is twice the size of Poland, with 600,000 sq. km.
2) The images of destruction you see on TV are max 20 sq km
3. To rząd …
The circle of credible creators is shrinking.
At the beginning of the plandemic I wrote that it would be a test of the credibility of religions, mainly Protestant ones. Of course, they failed that test. Pastors instead of warning it urged stabbing, masks and even required in their churches.
Z kolei ta garstka, która ostrzegała teraz …
Zelenski nominated for the Nobel Prize?
“Grupa europejskich polityków zaapelowała do Norweskiego Komitetu Noblowskiego o ponowne otwarcie procedury zgłaszania kandydatów do Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla, co umożliwiłoby nominowanie prezydenta Ukrainy Wołodymyra Zełenskiego”
Khazarian system, Khazarian nominations and Khazarian awards.
Jeśli komitet się zgodzi …