Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Pope Francis practices drama by kissing the flag of Ukraine.


Pope Catholics were first urged to accept spike protein preparations, and now he and the mainstream are participating in this comedy.

A similar drama occurred with the Islamist Resettlement action.

The pope kissed the shoes of the Sudanese:



Jesuit Bergolio is one of the greatest kissers in the last century. He trumps Khrushchev.



It is a false humility that authorizes evil.


"Nor call anyone on earth your father5For one is your Father, the One in heaven. 10 Nor do you want to be called masters, for there is only one Master, Christ. 11 Let the greatest among you be your servant. 12 He who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."


The media portrays him as a holy father, but he is neither the father of believers in W Jesus nor is he holy. Quite the opposite. Bergolio is an employee of Satan.



Franz kissing the flag of Ukraine kissed the emblem of Khazaria and thus showed the world whom he bows to.

He kisses the flag of a country of surrogates for ge*jó@ws, a country whose rule has driven the nation to poverty. He kissed the flag of a country with mega corruption, high levels of prostitution, and the Nazi Azov Battalion.



Catholics are terribly deluded and so one must fight for them with information and prayer.

After all, their banner slogan for the chosenness of this church is "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it," and Francis' work proves that the gates of hell did prevail against the church.


Catholics, despite what they've seen in the last two years, are playing dumb. They pretend as if nothing is happening and God is calling them to come out of Babylon:


" And I heard another voice from heaven saying: Come out of him, my people, that ye be not partakers of his sins And that you may not be affected by the plagues that fall upon him, (5) For up to heaven his sins have reached, and God has remembered his iniquities. (6) Repay him as he has repaid, and give him double according to his deeds; into the cup in which he mixed the drink, pour him a double measure. (7) As much as he has glorified himself and taken delight in himself, so much anguish and sorrow inflict upon him; for he says in his heart: I sit like a queen, a widow I am not, and I will not mourn. " Rev 18.


The Pope, as an opponent of God's Law, is breaking a commandment.

You will not make yourself an image engraved, nor any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth. 5You will not bow down to them nor serve. I am the LORD your God, strong, envious, punishing the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me; 6and doing mercy to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.


The pope serves Khazaria, he is part of Khazaria. He is the pope of Babylon respected by this world.

The pope builds Khazarian world order.





Updated: 7 April 2022 — 20:51


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  1. Sad but sadly true.

  2. The time is nearing and the people are still asleep . I pessimistically see a great conversion of Catholics at most individuals . I suspect that for 90 % Catholics if someone told them the pure truth about this world , they would want to stone him like Jesus .

    I think that soon the viper tribe will want to deceive the sleeping Christians .

    For those who are aware, it is only now that this whole religious-political-financial system is coming together
    ( Babylon) the lie comes out and the truth sets you free from the snare .

    Glory to our Savior Jesus Christ .

  3. Apokalipsa 17:4 PLNT
    Kobieta była ubrana w purpurę i szkarłat. Miała też na sobie biżuterię ze złota, szlachetnych kamieni i pereł, w ręku zaś trzymała złoty kielich, wypełniony jej rozwiązłością i obrzydliwymi czynami

    Czy tą kobieta nie jest Kościół Katolicki jako instytucja?

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