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Zelenski to UN in live video: "stop Russia or dissolve the entire UN Assembly".

Zelenski plays his role of pointing out evil brilliantly.

Zelenski tells the United Nations to speed up and stop Russia or immediately dissolve the entire UN Security Council.




"You can do two things: either remove Russia as the aggressor and the source of the war so that it doesn't block the decision of its own aggression."


So said the TV actor who became president adding:


"Or, if there is no alternative, another option is to dissolve the Security Council altogether."



Zelenski's speech came out a day after his high-profile visit to Bucza, where he again accused Russian troops of committing war crimes and genocide during their occupation of the satellite city of Kiev.


That's what I'm wondering, is it even possible for someone who can't lie to become an actor? A large part of the actors are Khazars.

Even the best Polish film about AK will not be the truth because it does not mention the role of Khazaria, so these types of documentaries are lies.


The Khazars created the UN, and now they are showing its dysfunctionality.


US, UK, France, Russia and China - has the power to veto resolutions in the 15-member body, which also includes 10 non-permanent members elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly.



Proposals to reform what is sometimes called the "broken" UN system - from abandoning veto power to expanding the elite club of permanent members - are clogging up academic libraries around the world.


A few more weeks and I will believe that Zelenski is the antichrist. For now, he is being created not only as a savior of Ukraine, but also as a politician who saves from the world aggressor, Russia.


I guess we are actually facing a reorganization of the UN and this is a deliberate move under one world government.

I feel as if something is waiting in line to be revealed, the next move, for the world unexpected, and by Khazars long planned and well known to them.


Someone must emerge to conduct the Khazarian World Order (mess), facilitated by the Prince of Darkness himself.


Praise Jesus because it all just proves the coming of our Savior.




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Updated: 11 April 2022 — 07:47

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