Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Is the virus gone? Forget it. The Polin government ordered another 67 million for 6 billion from Pfizer.

I'm not alone in this when I've been writing for 2 years that plandia was and is an intelligence test.
Unfortunately, many decent educated people fail this test.


Why have doctors, lawyers, psychologists, managers, big business owners, aspiring athletes succumbed to the magic of television?

The education system is to blame for this, making people into programmed obedient robots.

A key factor appeared to be a lack of confidence in the government.

Those who won were those who treated the government as normal people who err, sin, have evil tendencies, and are often far worse than the ordinary citizen despite expensive suits and social functions.

Ci, którzy ZAUFALI  rządowi, polegli i skutki będą widoczne w ciągu najbliższych dwóch lat, dlatego szykują nowe “warianty”, którymi będą tłumaczyć zgony.


Therefore, it is hardly surprising that one group that has not trusted the stabbers are criminals. Several jutubers with a gangster past have been preaching the truth about c 1-/9.

They know full well how sinful politicians are.


I have already warned in several materials that people should not think that the sudden disappearance of the virus and restrictions is the end of the persecution of the system.

On the contrary, bigger ones will come.

Let's enjoy the spring, summer, nature that God created. Make cool use of the vacations to recharge your batteries because Dark Winter is coming. They will probably attack with redoubled force this winter.

They may be shutting down electricity (balackout), there will be gas outages, not just expensive food, but disruptions in supply chains.


The 4 horsemen have already arrived. 

Dowodem na to, że plandemia będzie ciągnięta – teraz zrobili chwilową przerwę bo modna jest wojna – jest nowa wieść o zakupie nowych dźganek na kwotę 6mld zł.



Although there is no virus now they already know it will return and when it will return.

Virus treated officially as influenza vs. pandemic law and purchase of jugular for 6 billion.



The virus had to go sideways because there is a need to brainwash the thinking organ with war. Videos and pictures of despair, fleeing displaced people, evil Putin, etc., are supposed to do their job with the minds of unthinking people. They are supposed to believe that ONLY poor Poles from the whole EU should take the financial burden of the resettled Ukrainians, who repay us not with praise of Poland and Poles, but with domination of their national symbols in Poland.



I've had enough of this pushy pro-Ukrainian propaganda. I sympathize with those aggrieved women with children whose husbands are being deceived by the Khazar theater of war, but for God's sake, let's not make Ukraine out of Poland.


When enough mindless people are fooled, plandemic will return as quickly as it appeared in 2020.


The pandemic of lies continues and Kochanowski is still alive.


 "A new parable Poles buy for themselves, that both before the loss and after the loss is stupid".


Updated: 17 April 2022 — 07:47

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