Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

British-Polish company Walletmor sells microchips as alternative payment options.

I will honestly admit that I don't like writing about chips and the mark of the beast anymore and that's because hateful authors on sites or YT insert titles about chips as the MARK OF THE BEast.

I'm terribly peeved about this topic, but it's also hard for me as a man showing that Scripture is being fulfilled not to mention all of this. This is the evidence in the case.


British-Polish company Walletmor sells microchips as alternative payment options.

The company says the chip is about the size of a grain of rice and costs about $300. Because it is not in a credit card, the chip must be implanted in the body, and the company recommends a hand. 

(16) He also makes all, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead(17) and that no one may buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the animal or the number of its name. (18) This is where wisdom is needed. He that hath understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast: for it is the number of man. And his number is six hundred and sixty-six


Of course, at this stage neither the vaccine nor this chip is the mark of the beast, and that's because it's voluntary and still anyone can buy and sell.

Jak to pisuję od roku; jest to proces i zostanie sfinalizowany zapewne tatuażem elektronicznym i tam będzie znak – symbol.

Według mojej oceny będą to dwa trójkąty – symbol Remfana;




Currently, the chips are sold only to citizens of the United Kingdom, Switzerland and European Union countries.

Interestingly the Catholic Church does not warn by the mark of the beast. The few priests still stuck in this church of the devil. The priests who do not yet have the courage to leave the church whose superiors do not warn of the mark of the beast.

Nor do Protestants warn.

Both religions mix the teachings of the Bible for their purposes while failing to warn the sheep.



Wallet Mor – więcej w portfelu?


It is hardly surprising that they are driving humanity to poverty with plandemic and directed war. At some point you will have more in your wallet if you take the mark of the beast.


Now a few words to the conspiracists for whom salvation from Jesus is foolishness.

Knowledge of conspiracies does not save. It won't do you any good to glower about the nightmarish evil coming from Khazaria. It doesn't help that you know about the mark of the beast and your neighbor doesn't, if you are a self-loathing evil person devoid of the grace of Jesus who has the power to justify you before God for all your transgressions.

Don't show off your knowledge and don't use it for your marketing if you are running a conspiracy website.

The Book of Revelation points to the Lamb that is Jesus.

Not the lamb of the Easter basket, but on the Lamb as an offering made for you if you will accept this gift and come to the Word of God.


Praise Jesus.






Updated: 14 April 2022 — 08:49

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