Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Science has confirmed that at death, life flickers before the eyes.

In principle, science is opposed to the Word of God, but this time it proves the Word right:


When an 87-year-old epilepsy patient unexpectedly died during a brain scan, the test revealed that his brain seemed to replay memories 30 seconds before and after his heart stopped beating, according to a recent study published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience .

The patient, whose name was kept secret, suffered a heart attack, and because of his "do not resuscitate" status, scientists were able to track his brainwaves in the last moments of his life. The scanning was conducted by an international team of 13 neuroscientists led by Raul Vicente of the University of Tartu in Estonia.

Scientists initially performed electroencephalography (EEG) scans on a patient to detect and treat epileptic seizures. When he unexpectedly died, the EEG machine went on, giving scientists a first-of-its-kind glimpse into the brain activity of a dying man.

"That's why it's so rare, because you can't plan for it," he said Insider Ajmal Zemmar, one of the study's co-authors . "No healthy person will have an EEG before they die, and no sick patient will know when they die to record these signals.

The EEG brain scan detected an oscillatory brainwave pattern in which activity in the alpha, beta, and theta bands of the brain relatively decreased and activity in the gamma bands relatively increased. It is believed that these oscillatory patterns and the increase in gamma waves suggest memory recall (The gamma band reduces external interference, allowing for deep internal concentration, such as recalling memories). Similar brain oscillations occur during meditation and dreaming .

This is the first time it has been proven on a human, although the concept looms large in our collective imagination. It comes back to us from people who have experienced NDEs, defined as the moment when the brain goes into preparation for death. Research on these experiences has shown intense recall of memories i panoramic overview of their own lives. They also reported hallucinatory and meditative states and feelings of transcendence and bliss. These accounts cross cultures and religions .

The thread is so established that jokes are made about cartoons such as Family Guy , and is used in films such as Babe: Pig in the City (A chick runs away from a dog that is about to kill him).

Wygląda na to, że Bóg tak stworzył człowieka, żeby w chwili śmierci zobaczył w trybie przyspieszonym film pt “Całe Twoje życie”. Wszystkie złe rzeczy, które robiliśmy innym i wszystkie dobre. Tak jak to rozumiem, oznacza, że z chwilą śmierci kończy  się już wszelka zdolność człowieka do naprawy tego co zrobił i tym aktem oglądnięcia filmu mówi AMEN na to co zrobił i już żadne modlitwy żywych nie pomogą po śmierci.


"Do not put your trust in princes or in a man with whom there is no deliverance. When the breath leaves him, he returns to his land, then his intentions are lost." Ps 146:3-4 (BT)


"What your hand comes across to do, do it according to your ability, for in the land of the dead, to which you are going, there is neither action, nor thought, nor knowledge, nor wisdom." Koh 9:10 (BW)


The Bible says we can change our status quo before God while we are alive:


12 Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you a perverse heart of unbelief, the result of which is departure from the living God, 13 lecz zachęcajcie się wzajemnie każdego dnia, póki trwa to, co “dziś” się zwie, aby żaden z was nie uległ zatwardziałości przez oszustwo grzechu. 14 For we are partakers of Christ if we keep the original hope strong to the end. Heb



Our life in Jesus is to be a constant battle with ourselves while it lasts TODAY.

If we harden our heart and die in that state, there is no more forgiveness. The door closes. I know a man I baptized. He started out zealously well, but a woman deceived him, he converted to Slavism, and with that idol he died. Of course God one knew his heart at the time of his death, but if he betrayed God in spite of knowing, he ended up in the same place as the other unsaved.


"Therefore let not sin reign in your mortal body, subjecting you to its lusts. For when you were slaves of sin, you were free from the service of righteousness. But what use were you then for the deeds of which you are now ashamed? Their end is death. But now, having been freed from sin and placed in the service of God, you are reaping the fruit of sanctification. And the end of it is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the grace given by God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom 6:12.20-23 (BT)



Updated: 13 April 2022 — 17:08

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