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Authorities in China's Langfang catch and KILL pets of C-1-9 patients.

County authorities in China have ordered the killing of pets of people infected with Wuhan coronavirus (c-1# 9 ) .





According to the state china news service (CNS), officials in Anci district in the northern city of Langfang ordered "total slaughter of domestic animals" belonging to patients with c-1# 9. The order, issued April 6, went into effect immediately.

Citing a Langfang Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) staff member, CNS reported that the work of culling the pets of c-1# 9 patients ended at 5 p.m. the same day. It is unclear how many animals were slaughtered under the order officials districts.

The Chinese CDC reported that hundreds of new daily cases of c-1# 9 have been reported in recent weeks in the northern province of Hebei, where Langfang is located.

Jednak według amerykańskiego CDC, chociaż zwierzęta domowe mogą zarażać SA–R/ S-C/ o/V-2 od ludzi, ryzyko rozprzestrzeniania się patogenu przez zwierzęta było niskie. Dodał, że zwierzęta, które wykazują objawy, zwykle mają łagodną chorobę, którą można leczyć w domu.

"The risk of spreading c-1# 9 by pets is low. Animals infected with this virus may or may not become ill. Of the animals that have become ill, most had only mild illness and recovered completely. Serious illness in animals is extremely rare," said the U.S. Public Health Agency .

The draconian order to kill pets of c-1# 9 patients appears to be in line with Beijing's zero COVID policy, which has been in place since the beginning of the pandemic. In addition to Langfang, the eastern port city of Shanghai has also been subjected to tyrannical health protocols to curb c-1# 9 infection, with half of the city's roughly 26 million residents locked out after thousands of new cases. The other half is scheduled to be locked down on April 8.


The Shanghai Health Authority has also gone a step further from the central government's zero cov da -. isolating children who test positive from their parents at c-1# 9.

Wu Qianyu of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission confirmed this policy on April 4, explaining that "if a child is under seven years old, [he or she] will be treated at a public health center. For older children or teenagers, we mainly isolate them in centralized [quarantine] facilities."

Under Beijing's zero cov da policy, anyone who returns a positive test for c-1# 9 must be isolated from uninfected people - even if they show mild symptoms or none at all.

The Epoch Times also reported that Shanghai law enforcement officers  resort to beating the residents  , who violated lockout restrictions.

In a video that has gone viral on Chinese social media, at least eight people in protective suits - six of whom are believed to be police officers - repeatedly punch and kick a young resident of Lianyang community in Songjiang district. The victim is seen burying his head in his hands during the beating.


As I mention every now and then China is a test country under the Great Oppression, and what they are doing now by killing the dogs and cats of c-1# 9 sufferers is mental abuse so that humans no longer have anyone completely to share their feelings with. Everything will be moved to the metaverse.

Najpierw podczas rewolucji seksualnej porozbijali rodziny, stworzyli feminizm. Następnie w roku 2020 pozamykali ludzi w domach, a następnie wybijają zwierzęta. Nie mówiąc o tym jak po wyb – /jali ludzi dźganiami i “lekiem” na celebrytę.


The Khazarian new disorder is a system that neither the priests of Rome nor the rectified denominational Protestants warn against.



(5) A na jej czole wypisane imię – tajemnica: “Wielki Babilon. Macierz nierządnic i obrzydliwości ziemi”.


The mother of all religions.


I think some will only wake up when their pets are killed, and not all of them yet. With tears in their eyes they will give their pets to slaughter.

Ten świat jest chory…

Lord Jesus come please.






Updated: 13 April 2022 — 17:28


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  1. Hmm strange thing about the slaughter of these dogs . Sometimes on movies you can see how dogs see something supernatural that the human eye cannot see. Maybe occultists and their principals fallen angels (demons) want to get rid of inconvenient witnesses when they come to earth? Because they would honk at them and expose them .

  2. W filmie Inwazja z 2007 psy atakują zmienionych właścicieli, nie dają się nabrać…

    1. ooo ciekawe.
      Maja Ty chyba jesteś od początku mego blogowania 😉

      1. Tak, jestem u Ciebie od pierwszych dni. Pozdrawiam serdecznie mojego ulubionego blogera 🙂 P. S. Ciekawy jest też film chorwacki sprzed 2 lat pt “Ostatni Serb w Chorwacji”. Za darmo na cda można obejrzeć. Jest to komedia o wirusie zombi z upchana gęsto treścią dodatkową, baaaardzo ciekawą.

  3. Widziałem te filmy na Telegramie.
    Ludzie skaczą z okien popełniając samobójstwa.
    Psy zabijane na żywca pałami.
    Gdzie Peta, gdzie Amnesty?
    Pytam retorycznie. Siedzą w Xhinskiej kieszeni więc cisza. Może tak sankcje nałożyć na siebie bojkotując import i export xd

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