Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Doublethink about Nazism.


Christianity precludes support for Nazism, but the Polish-speaking state presents dualistic thinking in this regard.


In Kielce, 8 people were arrested last year for promoting totalitarianism, but Ukrainian Nazism is more sacred.

Even the foreign Journal Gazeta Prawna wrote that the Nazi regiment that is taking part in this war on the Ukrainian side is paying for the army and police...




The same regiment defended Mariupol:



In Poland, when patriots celebrated Independence Day peacefully without any Nazi symbols they were labeled fascists:



Over the past month, Ukrainian Nazis have threatened Poland:


After the disappearance of Kowid (he has not been found yet), more than 2 million Ukrainians were allowed in, giving them more privileges than Poles. Of course, some of them are mothers with children, and some of them are also Banderers. I've seen some footage of Bandera being praised in Poland and even displaying a black and red flag on a balcony. Of course, neither Homeland Security nor the police came.

Where is this all going?


The other day someone sent me a coincidence like this:


Vote No. 83 at the 42nd session of the Sejm
On the subject of
Report from the Commission on the governmental draft law amending the Law on foreigners and certain other laws (1681, 1740 and 1740-A)
Here is the link and see how they voted what they support POLISH LAND
And now it appears
Article. on 24 November 2021 06:02
So what's the point, Polish people, you need to work full time, probably 160 hours per month to have 3010zl earned, while the foreigner just need to work a certain period of time to get 3010zl guaranteed by law.
And a Pole who works part-time will get only 1505 zl gross.and a foreigner 2 times more it is painful... What?
On January 5, 2022 and the bill was signed by Mr. Long and went into effect after 14 days link open
And now we enter the session of the Sejm {Government Bill on Amending the Law on Aliens and Certain Other Laws
open link
Now THINK see when it started quietly about foreigners and draw conclusions



And finally:



Updated: 10 April 2022 — 10:22


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  1. Then in Polin, the citizens, forced to defend themselves against ethnic minorities and revolutionaries, will exterminate these destroyers of civilization and the masses, devoid of illusions about Christianity, whose divine spirits, forming Christianity without compass and direction, desiring ideals but without knowing where to place their devotion and adoration, will receive real light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, finally exposed to public view.

    1. Exactly Yes Im, this is what that satanist Pike wrote, the majority will murder the minority because they will think that they are the destroyers of civilization. In the West, there may be murders of Muslims and this may set off a terrible chain of social disasters. This in turn will expose lukewarm Christianity and Islam. Iran may then attack "Israel" and their ridiculous plan of 3 wars will come true, which will show that all religions are evil.

  2. The dumbest argument on facefuxk which has become a total copypasta of lemmings is

    "If you are afraid of losing your job because a Ukrainian with no language skills, experience is a threat to you, then you must be a really bad employee"

    It is so illogical.All it takes is for the employer to get an allowance for hiring a refugee or for it to be cheaper and you say goodbye to your job Polish.

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