Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"Bird flu will jump to humans and be very deadly in the coming "Great Pandemic"

Only naive people can think that plandemic is behind us.

The certificate is to be held by every inhabitant of the earth according to Revelation 13.


Former CDC Director Robert Redfield has stated that avian flu will jump to humans and be very deadly in the coming "Great Pandemic" for which C19 was just a warm-up. FULL REPORT on Gates-funded research on strengthening H5N1 weaponization features




"There is an untold story regarding avian flu, functional research, the Gates Foundation and Ukrainian biology labs - and it's time to tell it. As hundreds of millions of birds die in bird flu outbreaks, Europe is warning of chicken and egg shortages, and many states have outright banned the sale of chicks to the public. The largest egg producer in the U.S. has been slaughtering birds and laying off its workers. In this Ice Age exclusive, Farmer Christian explains the nasty history of this virus and asks: will the weaponized H5N1 virus be the next human pandemic?"


I don't know if it will be bird flu, but I know there will be something.


As is usually the case with false flag people opposing God, more roasts are baked with this type of action.

Don't think it's just the USA, for in the UK there is a BAN on the pasturing of hens "UNDER THE CHUMMER", in the hope that this will limit the spread of the disease......


How about praying for the officials responsible for respecting this kind of lawlessness?

They are not all Khazars.

Let's not just complain, but fight on a spiritual level.

I inform, but with information there is always something to be done. Let these officials know that they work for the system of the beast and the only salvation is Jesus Christ.


From March in the UK, eggs are to have a sticker or label saying that they are barn eggs.


Not only us believers in Jesus, but also the antisystem of the godless like the neo-Slavs not saved from the death of the other must do something as the last thinker. Neither Catholicism nor Protestantism is interested in publicizing what I write here.



Needless to say, this is not just about banning small farmers from raising chickens, but this whole "Bird Flu" campaign is about that as well:


  1. Calling Fear (aka fear management).
  2. Poultry price control
  3. The economic crisis is brewing
  4. Depopulation


How symbolic to shut the chickens out of the virus...

Quarantine camps are still being built. Not for animals, but for PEOPLE.



Remind me how satanists decided for themselves that how many people should there be in the world?

500 million?



"Keep humanity under 500,000,000, in constant balance with nature,

I think they're going ahead with the plan....


Maybe already the renaissance man Gates, a specialist in computer science, more recently in medicine and now a rancher, the largest landowner in the US will start creating mutant flu-free, disease-resistant chickens from a lab in Ukraine.


One of the components of fascism is corporatism. The politics of the carbon footprint is making its way into the living rooms of sell-outs in parliaments.


But who cares, after all, it's such a silly, conspiracy-ridden thing. After all, we have a reliable and credible Netflix....





Updated: 10 April 2022 — 10:16

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