Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

World 3 is coming. Video.


Polish and Polish-speaking politicians are pushing us into World War 3.

We are also being pushed into war by compatriots subjected to mind control.

What I didn't say in the film because of censorship is one of the very important goals of this war: to create poverty and dependence on a guaranteed income as is happening in Ukraine.

Once again, USRAEL on land not its own will fight another country.



What I didn't say in the film because of censorship is one of the very important goals of this war: to create poverty and dependence on a guaranteed income as is happening in Ukraine.

Ukraine quietly introduces digital currency and social credit system!
“Prezydent Ukrainy Wołodymyr Zieleński (R) na spotkaniu Światowego Forum Ekonomicznego (WEF) 2020 w Davos podąża śladami przewodniczącego WEF Klausa Schwaba, nie tylko fizycznie, ale i ideologicznie. Zelensky ogłosił, że Ukraina będzie pierwszym krajem, który wdroży praktycznie wszystkie kluczowe elementy Wielkiego Resetu, w tym własną, ogólnokrajową wersję  modelu kredytu społecznego (na podobieństwo Chin).
Ukraine is working to complete all the boxes on the World Economic Forum's (WEF) Great Revaluation Checklist:
– tożsamość cyfrowa,
– paszporty szczepień,
– powszechny dochód podstawowy (UBI)
– system kredytu społecznego w jednym.
Failed by propaganda, they will do it by coercion.



Updated: 10 April 2022 — 18:00


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  1. I am not convinced that it will be the III W right now . According to the occultist Pike.

    “Owa wojna musi być prowadzona w taki sposób, ze Islam (Islamski Świat Arabski) oraz polityczny Syjonizm (Państwo Izrael) wzajemnie się zniszczą”

    At the moment the land for non-Jews is being cleared in Ukraine and probably soon in Polin . There is nowhere for the Khazars to escape too much if it were the III W .

    When the antichrist is revealed , he is to establish a 7 year covenant with Israel ? And in the middle of the week break it .
    Wtedy to by miało sens bo te 3,5 roku da Chazarom czas na zorganizowanie sobie “nowej ziemi obiecanej ” i ucieczkę .

    I think so maybe I'm wrong .

    1. may be so.
      However, Bible prophecy is above the Masonic plan, which may also have been a forgery

      1. Maybe not a fake, because two wars were going according to plan and this vision which Pika allegedly received may be Satan's expectation of such a course of events, but God is watching over all this and He gave us the Bible so that we could use it in a useful way, draw conclusions and be converted.

        One thing is certain, the man of perdition must reveal himself so that Jesus can exterminate him and his army with the breath of his mouth.

        1. I know, I know, because I quote this plan myself sometimes, but by the way we are close to this scenario. Russia will support Iran, China will stand with them and we have a global conflict between Islam and Zionism

          1. Yes Peter, but if it were as you write there would not be a stone left on the ground in Israel and with whom the antichrist will make peace? I do not know maybe I'm wrong, but there is a lot of talk on Yt about the Third W and in these pseudo-revelations of which there is now a rash and on TV they also talk about the Third . Suspicious in my opinion.

  2. “I dlatego zsyła Bóg na nich ostry obłęd, tak iż wierzą kłamstwu,
    Aby zostali osądzeni wszyscy, którzy nie uwierzyli prawdzie, lecz znaleźli upodobanie w nieprawości.”
    II Thessalonians 2.11-12
    Nie bez powodu zamieściłam te wersety jako początek komentarza … zawsze modlę się za tych co prześladują (robię to co mi nakazano odgórnie) za moją córkę i wszystkich tych z którymi moje drogi życia się skrzyżowały czy to realnie czy poprzez internet… modlę się za mój naród i społeczeństwo … kiedyś o świcie po “obrazowym” śnie i moim pytaniu o los narodu i ludzi wyraźnie usłyszałam … “drugi List do Tesaloniczan – tam jest odpowiedź” … polecam przeczytanie – naprawdę warto … na temat narodu napiszę innym razem – to bardzo ciekawy temat i podeślę film dokumentalny obrazujący to o czym piszę i mówię od wielu lat … zawsze apelowałam by policzyć sie jako naród z krwi i kości !!!! … innymi słowy … Ile jest narodu w narodzie !?!?
    Greetings and God's blessings

  3. It occurred to me while watching that an interesting date for the start of the war by Luciferians would be 06.06.2022 year, hidden 3 x 6, as the beginning of the war between Russia and Ukraine 24.02.2022. is reversed 42, I am not interested in any numerology, far from it and do not encourage on the contrary, run away from such things, simply such a date is before us and Luciferians like in such numbers.

    1. a little too easy because it could have been 22.02.2022 and yet it wasn't. Actually, on 22.02.22 the fighting in Donbass started...
      Who knows

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