Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Table length matters, or how Putin showed the furniture where he got Macron.

The show must go on.

Khazarian theater must go on.


Many had hoped before Putin's meeting with Macron that something would vibrate in the realm of establishing peace in Europe.

However, what Putin did is a great slap in the face to Macron, but the same slap that Walesa delivered to Kwasniewski when he wanted to give him a leg up during the debate. The video is not available on YT right now because Walesa lives very well with this Khazarian communist.


So for what purpose was this theater? To show that the two sides fought with diplomacy for peace, with Putin wanting to show the naive Russians that he is superior in these relations. This way the multitude of Russians both real and Khazar see how great a leader Rasiya has, and yet as I pointed out when posting the video from the Rebel of Tomorrow channel Puton was after the same Klaus Schwab school of leaders as Macron, Mercel and Trudeau....

It is one big family, but they will quarrel for a while to murder millions of people in war and then reconcile to create a New World Order.


This table was definitely longer than a ping pong table.

Dwóch komunistów improwizowało w tej grze mając odmienne całkiem cele. Natomiast gawiedź podążająca wzrokiem za piłeczką nie wie cos się dzieje….

After this meeting Macron drops further down on my hit list of antichrist candidates. Unless these are just his beginnings and he gets support from the Vatican.




Updated: 9 February 2022 — 11:35

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  1. Bolek w końcu powiedział prawdę i wszyscy maja go za wariata … ludziom nigdy nie dogodzisz 🙂

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