Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Trudeau's former sniper coordinates security for Trask protesters.

Courageous former officer Daniel Bulford denounces the despotic and illegal management of the covidian crisis.




This former RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) sniper who was fired from his position after refusing to be vaccinated, has a new job supporting safety operations for volunteers in the Adopt a Truck program.

Before the start of the press conference for the reputable media covering the Freedom Convoy, The Counter Signal met with Bulford, who confirmed that he was no longer protecting the ungrateful prime minister.

Many remember Bulford from an explosive interview with The Counter Signal last year in which he spoke out against the vaccine mandate, calling the government's decision to impose one "authoritarian-type behavior."


He said:


"Police officers need to know the limits of their authority.
Even in emergencies, the Emergency Act guarantees Canadians basic rights: the right to move, the right to liberty, security, the right not to be detained without cause, equality before the law, the right to protect...

Under the Supreme Law of Canada, I pledge to "obey the law."


I can't be complicit in federal policy: it's unjust, it's against fundamental rights.
It's our responsibility to enforce the law, to prevent crime, to investigate violence. I think about the intimidation of our scientists, the recalled drugs.
We call for an investigation into these crimes. People are divided, angry.
If we refuse to submit without violence, our numbers will increase. If we continue to obey, nothing will change and we will be responsible for it. "


The vast majority of governments in the world are mafia-like and have nothing to do with the rule of law, concern for citizens.


Bulford also argued:


"I fall into what might be considered a low-risk category - I'm almost 40, I'm a little younger, I'm very healthy, I'm very active, I don't have any underlying comorbidities - and I've made it part of my lifestyle, probably from school, to take health and fitness seriously," Bulford explained.




These corporations are against Jesus Christ, and mankind should realize this. Unfortunately, they will do so only after a possible war during the Great Tribulation, and not everyone will do so either.

We need to be clear: these governments are an occupation, and not since covidism, but since 1945.

Poland ceased to exist when it was taken over by the Khazar Bolsheviks. It had been deteriorating before the war.


Dlatego cała nadzieja w Bogu. To on te rządy antychrysta rozwali tchnieniem swoich ust. Niestety to będzie mieć miejsce najwcześniej za kilka lat…


Updated: 9 February 2022 — 12:04

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