Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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War news. 08.02.2022.

  1. Ukraine conducted military exercises near Kherson on the Black Sea.
  2. Ukraine is deploying the S300 in Odessa.
  3. Putin told Macron that if there is an armed conflict between Russia and NATO, there will be no winners.
  4. U.S. intelligence has obtained evidence that Russia has developed a plan, approved at the highest levels, to create a pretext for invading Ukraine, poprzez upozorowanie ataku na rosyjskojęzyczną ludność, który zostałby przypisany siłom Ukrainy – pisze “Washington Post”, opierając się na źródłach w amerykańskiej administracji.
  5. General Skrzypczak, for his part, said that foreign media consciously or less consciously provide information that is part of the propaganda, the information war that Putin is waging against Western Europe and against Ukraine, Gen. Skrzypczak explained. - No military man, no politician, will ever release information regarding how he intends to wage war.
  6. Ukraine's armed forces will hold maneuvers using Turkish Bayraktar drones, U.S. Javelin missiles and U.K.-supplied NLAW anti-tank guided missile launchers from February 10-20 in parallel with Belarusian-Russian military maneuvers in Belarus, Ukraine's Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said.
  7. Polska szykuje się na przyjęcie “nawet miliona osób” uciekających przed wojną na Ukrainie

  8. :Poland adopted on Tuesday a resolution on gratuitous transfer of military property to the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the resources of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland.
  9. “NATO zwiększa obecność wojskową na wschodniej flance i podnosi gotowość sił reagowania, ale głównym celem jest znalezienie rozwiązania politycznego. Wierzymy w połączenie dialogu i działań odstraszających” – powiedział sekretarz generalny Sojuszu Jens Stoltenberg.
  10. Biden threatened to cut off a major gas pipeline to Russia if they attack Ukraine


We are approaching that moment when war propaganda is accelerating. The media hype from Khazarian-American newspapers seems to be designed to create pressure to arm Ukraine and the countries dependent on the global gendarme.

I would like to point out that anti-Russian rhetoric is building. Russia this, Russia that. President Duda recently said:


” W związku z agresywną postawą Rosji. Musimy być razem, jednością, tej jedności potrzeba także wewnątrz Polski – stwierdził prezydent.”


Ukraine is not a member of NATO, pretodollars flow to Ukraine for rearmament but it is Russia that is aggressive.



Chyba tylko ludzie będący piękno-duchami “chrześcijańskimi” nie widzą realnego zagrożenia wojną.

Of course, some more theater might change that, but for now it is what it looks like.

If Poland, which has little experience with mass waves of migration, is preparing for a massive influx of refugees if Russia attacks Ukraine, then something is probably up. Let anyone who is afraid immediately stop reading and ask God to take away his spirit of fear.

Unfortunately, Polin is engaging in this war to please the American communists. This is not our war and every well-meaning PIS citizen should urge the PIS authorities to desist from getting involved in a conflict that is not ours.

Due to the nationwide ignorance, it appears that the war will have to happen with the involvement of Poland.


Since February 10, the threat of war has been increasing, and after the Olympics, even more so. A relative week of calm.


The topic of potential war is directed not to fearful people, but to all who have distance from bad news and can evaluate the situation with a cool eye.




Updated: 8 February 2022 — 19:45


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  1. Today in Rzeszow at the airport full of American soldiers

  2. It's unfortunate that people say conspiracy theory to the impending war. Already a few of these theories have come true recently and next will be shock and surprise.

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