Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

When faced with bad news, think of Jesus and don't be afraid.

„Bądźcie odważni! Ja zwyciężyłem świat”” Jana 16.


Disasters have always been there and wars too, but people's attitudes towards these bad things have varied.

I believe that only people who are not established in the faith are fearful or completely unbelieving.

It is one thing to be afraid and another thing to be fearful and anxious.

I'm not writing you, but there are a lot of disasters and it looks like God is showing through anomalies that a war is coming.


An example from barely yesterday. In Colombia, rains caused landslides and homes were destroyed.



If you focus Dear Brother and Sister on evil, you will feed on evil and anxiety will grow. Messages are in themselves neutral. For example, the death of someone may be a victory because they will meet God, but a tragedy for another.

During major floods, some will despair, while others will think this is the perfect opportunity to make a long-planned move.

Tak w ogóle to ten świat kiedyś się skończy, ziemia będzie spalona ogniem i powstanie nowa ziemia, nieskażona grzechem, a więc złem… Czy to jest powód do rozpaczy, że ziemia zostanie spalona?



(24) Suddenly a violent storm broke on the lake, so that the waves swamped the boat; but he was asleep. (25) Then they came to Him and woke Him up, saying, Lord, save us, we are perishing! (26) A On im rzekł: Czemu bojaźliwi jesteście, małej wiary? Potem wstał, rozkazał wichrom i jezioru, i nastała głęboka cisza” Mt 8.


Lord save is the key word. Storms have been, are, and will be. The problem is that people are already afraid and yet some blame others for their fear.


Peter during a storm just once stopped looking at Jesus and began to sink.


We need to draw closer to Jesus every day through obedience, prayer and the Word of God. He is stronger than wars and calamities.


"(2) God is our refuge and strength, The surest help in afflictions. (3) Therefore we do not fear, though the earth tremble And the mountains shake in the depths of the seas. (4) Choćby szumiały, choćby pieniły się wody, Choćby drżały góry z powodu gniewu jego. ” Psalm 46


It is the unbelievers who should be afraid. So let us look to Jesus every day, for He is the ONLY refuge and hope for us.

What we should be doing is announcing God's presence to the world.


If satanists constantly show a covered eye or a triangle, we should glorify God all the more and tell our relatives and friends how much good God has done for us and we should constantly give thanks for everything.



(18) Give thanks for everything; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
(1 List do Tesaloniczan 5:18)”
There has been and will be bad news, but the main place in our mind should be Jesus.



"16) Błogosławiony lud, który umie się radować I chodzi w światłości oblicza twego, Panie.” Ps 89.


Praise the Lord Jesus.

Thank you for you and God Bless you in Jesus name.


Updated: 9 February 2022 — 08:01


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  1. May the good Lord also give you, Peter, courage, inner peace and the will to continue drawing the sheep to Jesus. Amen

  2. Just today a friend of mine from primary school woke up. I wrote her that the Scriptures are a signpost, etc., and she feels fearful of the Great Tribulation. And I will send her this article.
    Praise be to Jesus Christ!

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