Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Ottawa police announce digital surveillance of Freedom Convoy protesters and supporters.

The Ottawa Police Service has announced a new operation in which it is working with federal intelligence agencies to create "enhanced intelligence operations and investigations." which will target those participating in and supporting the convoy of Canadian truck drivers.

Ottawa police said they are working with the U.S. FBI and the Department of Homeland Security to investigate "internet threats". Ottawa police: "enhanced investigation" will begin by focusing on those who were involved in organizing the protest convoy and will use surveillance to "identify and target protesters who are funding/supporting/enabling unlawful and harmful protest activity."

Police also said they are focusing on collecting "financial, digital, vehicle registration, driver identification, insurance status and other related evidence to be used in criminal investigations."


As you can see, totalitarianism was behind the facade of democracy from the beginning. Democracy is just a soft version of communism according to Khazar Trotsky.

Why this happened in Canada this time I will not repeat. Too much is not healthy.

Perhaps only that people deserve as much as they have earned for themselves in the spiritual world, the more real than ours. The further away from God.

I know that some of my readers come just for the morsels of information, but without a conversion to God, the messages I present are just garbage. Why? Because since the war is in the spiritual realm (globalists are Khazarian satanists), it can only be won in the spiritual world, and this is shaped by leaving the subculture of Satan, as the Bible teaches.

Even Protestants (pseudo) have to choose: either religion or God's Law. Some choose churches that are ecumenical and submitted to Rome (vide Evangelical Alliance). Looking at it this way, it was not worth leaving the church of Rome if one goes from pew to pew to Rome, but otherwise....

Some of the anti-systemocs are Marian Catholics. Non sense. To submit to a supremacy that takes the glory away from God.


That's not all when it comes to Canada.

I will cool the enthusiasm of those desiring freedom without God.


According to Fox News , more than 100 warrants have been issued in connection with "demonstration enforcement" in Ottawa. This comes after Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency on Sunday afternoon as about 500 trucks and vehicles with the "Freedom Convoy" continued to linger on the streets of Canada's capital to protest vaccination orders and other coronavirus-related restrictions.

The Ottawa Police Service issued a warning earlier Monday that "anyone who brings fuel to the demonstration trucks in the red zone can be arrested and charged. Many vehicles and fuel were confiscated. Five of the seven arrests involved unspecified intrigue. A sixth person was charged with driving while prohibited and a seventh for vandalism "related to damage to property at a downtown business," police said in a press release.


Yes, these people - the drivers - should pursue their rights, if there is still a law in Canada, but in general Canada is a country where it is already a mess.

We can still fight spiritually for the Poles, praying for our neighbors, co-workers and maybe there will be no fireworks, but with time a handful will see the point and it is this handful that matters.

So long as they don't go from the rain to the gutter to the pastors. Even the supposedly anti-system ones who did nothing for decades to raise awareness about the beast system and now are heroes for not warning about the beast! Some of them were even saying a few years ago that one would be saved after taking the mark....

The stupidity of believers is striking. To trust someone who is registered (any church) in the beast system.

Of course you can improvise and play church at the same time you support the system, but that's not for me or most of my Jesus-believing readers.


It will only get worse, but let us trust God. He is our ONLY savior. It may be hard, but He will get us through it all.



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  1. What if someone has accepted sprites, repents of it, and apologizes to God?
    I apologize to God and tell many people who are not aware that we live in the end times, etc. I try to do the best I can. And this time I will not give in. Even if they were to lock me up.

    1. I don't think he loses his salvation by stabbing himself

      1. I hope so too
        What do you think will happen with electronic tattoos? In the Bible it talks about the birthmark on the right hand but also worshiping the beast so it's kind of spread out a bit.
        If I'm wrong, I apologize

        1. The tattoos will complete the process of making the mark of the beast.

          1. I feel that we are a short time away from Revelation chapter 14.

            1. Witaj “Prawda nas wyzwoli”.

              Jestem przeciwny ukłuciu, bo uważam to za coś złego, ale uważam też, że Ci którzy wzięli szpryce nie tracą szansy zbawienia.
              Niektórzy stracą zdrowie albo życie, ale nie zbawienie.

              Pismo mówi: Kto nie przyjmie znamienia nie będzie mógł kupować ani sprzedawać.
              Ap 13;16-17

              Zauważ że na świecie wciąż można kupować, nikt też nie obcina głów tym którzy nie przyjęli preparatu.

              W dodatku znamię będą musieli wziąść wszyscy, bez wyjątku – Soros, Gates, Rothschild itd. a póki co widzimy manipulacje, tzn. jednym igła się wbija, a dla innych igła się chowa do środka.
              Jedni dostają dawke i umierają, a inni dostają placebo.

              Warto zaznaczyć, że nikt na świecie nie przyjął ukucia w czoło..
              Więc to już powinno dać nam do myślenia, że nie jest to znamię, bo ono ma być przyjęte NA rękę bądź NA czoło.

              Na czarnym rynku można kupić sobie paszport dzięki któremu możesz sprzedawać, kupować, podróżować.
              Czyli da się tu system oszukać, a w przypadku prawdziwego znamienia nie będzie się dało oszukać systemu.

              Nie było jeszcze poselstwa trzeciego anioła.
              Nie było jeszcze dwóch świadków którzy mają głosić przed rządami antychrysta i jego znamieniem (a według mojej oceny musi najpierw to nastąpić).

              Uważam, że gdy już przyjdzie ten czas, to każdy człowiek będzie wiedział jakie będą konsekwencje przyjęcia znaku.
              Ap 14;9-10

              Według mnie, to nie może być ani przymus, a już tym bardziej stan nieświadomości.. Myślę że to będzie coś co ludzie będą wiedzieć, że przyjęcie tego będzie oznaczało czczenie bestii. Ap 14;9-10

              1. W sumie ma Pan rację. Więc chyba nie mam się czego obawiać. Ale na pewno już nie przyjmę więcej dźganki.

  2. Panie Damianie, bardzo ciekawa wypowiedź. Pozdrawiam.

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