Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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We have been deceived. 15 EU countries have pledged to take in 40,000 Afghans.

The whole border defense shindig is a pic of a water-montage.

I wrote or said on YT that I was backing away from commenting on the border situation before it even stopped being hot. Why? Because I found out about the fact that there were already 1000 immigrants in Lubuskie.

General Polko either lied or did not know what he was saying about the 100,000 emigrants in Belarus.

No chyba, że tymi imigrantami byli żołnierze rosyjscy….


The truth is overwhelming. However, for an average Pole it is as indifferent as a solution of rock salt.



European Commissioner Ylva Johansson announced Thursday that 15 EU countries have pledged to host a total of 40,000 Afghans. Germany will host the largest refugee contingent, with 25,000 people. France has promised to take care of 2,500 Afghans.



The topic of refugees is not over. The situation on the Polish border has quieted down a bit. PIS used the topic to make political capital, but the problem still persists.


It is almost impossible to determine which of the 15 EU countries are involved. In any case, the vast majority of those 40,000 - particularly 25,000 - goes to Germany. 




This was to be expected, the new German government is an even bigger supporter of open borders policy than the Merkel government.


 France will also accept more  Afghans – 2500, Holandia przyjmie 3159 Afgańczyków, Hiszpania 2500 i Szwecja 1500.



W Niemczech czy USA również znaleźli wielu terrorystów czy przestępców wśród importowanych „tłumaczy i współpracowników”. Ale Afgańczycy sami w sobie stanowią ogromne zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa, przy czym zdecydowana większość –  99%  – uznaje jedynie prawo szariatu, a  85% Afghans  supports medieval punishment, such as the stoning of women. Of course, many of them will want to transfer these habits to Europe....


If the women of the left love refugees so much, I guess they will know that love firsthand.


However, according to the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - an office of the United Nations), a total of 85,000 Afghans, so this is actually the first batch. In addition to the above 5 countries, which traditionally enthusiastically welcome anyone who replaces the indigenous population, 10 more EU countries will receive Afghans to redistribute the rest (about 6,000 Afghans in total). However, the EC does not state which countries these are, so it is impossible to confirm with certainty whether we are one of these 10 countries or not (the majority of our MEPs voted in favor of imports from Afghanistan, however).



Teraz dobywa się kraje inaczej. Przy czym de facto żadnego kraju na świecie już de facto nie ma, ponieważ opanowała je dzicz chazarska – lucyferianie.

Trudno się tym wszystkim  informacjom dziwić skoro papież katolików podpisuje Porozumienie Abrahamowe z islamem, uważając, że katolicy mają jednego boga z muzułmanami…


Trwa podbój nie tyle Europy przez islam, co niszczenie resztek dogorywającego chrześcijaństwa…






Updated: 13 December 2021 — 21:45

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