Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Microsoft's game "Omicron" stings with the truth about the demon world and how to get out of it.


This is my overdue article. Let it be a continuation of the text about the game titled. "Omicron".


In 1999 a game was released called Omicron.




In this short video is explained for the astute all that the world of Satan wanted to convey. Players have probably overwhelmingly taken this storyline as a figment of their imagination, but it is not a figment of the imagination but a description of life for people in a prison called Earth.


I will post a transcript and comment right away.


A David Bowie-like character speaks to the player, who by my estimation is supposed to be the average earthling:


So you're the alien in Omicron.Demon Slayer Dhaka bar told me

much about your exploits, you're not

the first video game player to get a soul

trapped in this dimension, but you are

certainly the first one left alive.

The player embodies the average person whose soul was trapped in this dimension. In my estimation, this happened because of the first sin of Adam and Eve:
"(7) Wtedy otworzyły się oczy im obojgu i poznali, że są nadzy. Spletli więc liście figowe i zrobili sobie przepaski.” 
I think that this opening of the eyes was seeing another dimension.
Narrator informuje o tym, że symboliczny Omikron (ziemia)  jest miejscem polem walki trwającej  tysiące lat bitwy pomiędzy ludzkością a demonami dowodzonymi przez potężnego Astarotha – archetyp szatana.
Let's keep flying:
The demon must rebuild its power again
because it has declined over the centuries
to do it
needs souls
thousands of souls
draws its power from the suffering of souls
It's true, demons and Satan derive power from the suffering of humans and the bible talks about it:
“Złodziej przychodzi, aby kraść, zabijać i niszczyć. Ja przyszedłem, aby owce miały życie—i to życie w obfitości.”
Satan creates situations in which people suffer, and what's more, they blame God for their suffering without any regard for what they do, the choices they make, or the fact that there is Satan and demons.
Asteroth created a video game called
omicron to capture souls
the game you are currently playing
uses omicron to attract souls
Bill Gates showed everything the bible is about in the Omicron game.
Jest władcą ziemi – Omicronu.
 In 2 Corinthians 4.4 The unbeliever obeys Satan's commands:
"god of (this) world this has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that the light of the Good News (of salvation, rescue) of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, does not shine to them."
Asteroth asks players to put their spirit into
body to enter our dimension
As soon as the soul arrived here, he takes a demon to catch the soul and take it for Astaroth, who condemns everyone.
As long as your soul is a prisoner of Omicron
You risk being caught by a demon and thrown into the tank.
Asteroth (Satan) wants to condemn everyone because he himself is condemned. As long as our human souls are prisoners of Satan on earth, we risk being caught and thrown into the tank (hell).
the only way to save your soul is
killing the asteroth, but no one knows where it's hiding,
not to mention how to get down to killing
Narrator informuje gracza, że sposobem na ocalenie duszy jest zabicie Asterotha (szatana), ale cóż z tego jak niewiadomo jak go złapać ani jak go zabić….
Of course we humans can't kill Satan, but the Omicron game shows how it should be done:
there is a way to find out more
about asteroth
there's an old parchmentthat
mentions an asteroth
maybe it says something about how
destroy the demon
The parchment is in the central library
What do you think this old parchment is that tells you how to destroy demons?
“Gdyż bój toczymy nie z krwią i z ciałem, lecz z nadziemskimi władzami, ze zwierzchnościami, z władcami tego świata ciemności, ze złymi duchami w okręgach niebieskich.” Efezjan 6.
Here is that parchment from Omikron that was fought against by the satanic Catholic church. William Tyndale and Jan Hus wanted to escape from Omikron and propagated this parchment as shown in the photo. They were burned alive at the stake for this by none other than dignitaries of the Catholic church.
Now the ruler of this church is urging vaccination.
Wake up the people of Omicron and send them
corrupt government letting you sleep
in order to better control you
have turned you into puppets who are
manipulated by demons join
Istotnie, skorumpowane rządy pozwalają ludziom spać nie przyprowadzając ich do pergaminu, czyli  biblii – Prawa Bożego. Pomagają im nawet w tym pastorzy i księża w celu lepszej kontroli nad marionetkami, które są manipulowane przez demony: muzyka, film, literatura, blokada mówienia prawdy o systemie itp.
At the end is the player's call to arms:
together we can win everything
the people of Omicron are now waking up...
In conclusion this game is a mockery of humanity. Everything in the palm of your hand, in a nutshell. People here live in bondage and are manipulated by governments and demons. The bible talks about all of this.
Wystarczy się obudzić, ale kto chce?….
At most, people don't want masks and vaccinations, but they don't want to leave Omicron for the kingdom of Heaven.
Bill Gates gave a recipe for everything in his game because he mocks people. They know they will end up in hell. They chose that path for their success on earth, but the rest not only live in bondage spiritually but also financially, physically, and any related to Satan's rule on earth, whether cultural or political.
Let us therefore pray that as many Poles as possible will come to this precious parchment of freedom that is the Word of God, that they will depart from their sins and come to the living God in the name of Jesus
Praise Jesus.


Updated: 14 December 2021 — 06:34

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