Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Tesco's Christmas advert promises 'nothing will stop' the festivities - as Santa receives Covid pass

“Reklama, zawierająca hymn rockowy „Don’t Stop Me Now” brytyjskiego zespołu Queen, przedstawiającą ludzi pokonujących różne świąteczne zmagania, w tym przekupywanie elfów w grocie Świętego Mikołaja mielonym ciastem, przechytrzenie braku prądu przez podpalenie linii świątecznych puddingów oraz Święty Mikołaj unika kwarantanny, pokazując swoją przepustkę Covid podczas kontroli granicznej.”


So much for the English website

Now take a look at this commercial by the well-known Tesco market in Poland until recently:



There are two problems here. First, Tesco's Christmas ad was sprinkled over 1500 complaints for putting Santa Claus with Covid vaccine passport after anti-vaccine campaigners called for a boycott of the store.


The English were furious and decided not to visit Tesco.



Secondly, as itself, which I quoted at the beginning. says the ad shows a blackout.

Now the question arises, is this just for fear or are they playing with their prophecies?

Short-term power outages don't matter. Worse if they are longer.


I don't know what it's going to be like (that's what they know), but too much of this blackout information.

One thing I know for sure: God is watching over everything, and we are at His mercy.


Updated: 16 November 2021 — 19:35

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