Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Kamil Durczok embraced the juggernaut in August by claiming that the foilers are lying.

I could comment on the image below with a Bible quote, but any believer knows which quote I mean, so just as a warning to others:



To wake others up I will quote the Bible for the second picture:


“Wtedy rzekł wąż do niewiasty: «Na pewno nie umrzecie! Ale wie Bóg, że gdy spożyjecie owoc z tego drzewa, otworzą się wam oczy i tak jak Bóg będziecie znali dobro i zło” Rodzaju 3


A gratis warning with God's Word!






Updated: 16 November 2021 — 22:02

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