Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The mRNA ver 3.0 software update is coming.

People who get stabbed should know that they are slowly becoming like computers, requiring constant updating.


“Wielka Brytania zaoferuje szczepionki przypominające COVID-19 32 milionom Brytyjczyków na początku przyszłego miesiąca, a nawet 2000 aptek ma realizować program, podał w niedzielę The Telegraph .

The campaign can start as early as September 6, which means that the implementation will be completed in early December, jeśli pójdzie zgodnie z planem, dodaje raport.”



Of course, Israel was the first to serve up a third dose of the mRNA experiment as befits the world capital of the biblical beast.


President Hercog said:

I am proud that we are the first country to vaccinate with the third dose – podkreślił Hercog.


Those who took two doses were foolishly convinced it would end there. But it will be a never ending story.

There will be a version 4.0 next year.

The question is, if someone takes the fourth dose, the fourth version of the software, won't they need the earlier ones?

A sarcastic/rhetorical question.



At the same time, in the same text, they wrote that:


“Według izraelskich ekspertów jest mało prawdopodobne, by trzecia dawka powstrzymała wzrost liczby infekcji, ale oczekuje się, że uchroni osoby starsze przed poważnym przebiegiem choroby.


I still don't know what determines wisdom. After all, many people with decent education, many businessmen and even doctors embrace this technology.

Myślę, że jednym z kryteriów jest duch autorytetu, ale też i kompromis, awersja do prawdy…


Even though you don't know what the pandemic will look like, the morbidity in the fall, they already know very well that there will be a lockdown in the fall because something primary is their plan and not the morbidity. But who cares.



Updated: 2 August 2021 — 10:41

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