Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The first Slavic state, the Avars and our enemies the Khazars.


Poland has the highest level of R1A1 in Europe, which is found among European Slavs in high frequencies. Polish males have approximately 56-60% R1A1. The regions in Poland with the highest levels of this indicator are the southeastern and central parts of the country.




A team of researchers led by Ornella Semino was the first to demonstrate the association of R1a1 with the pit grave culture.


What is the significance of this?

Well, that from Poland originated all the peoples who conquered the Byzantine Empire, specifically the present-day Balkans. This is not taught in schools. The identity of slaves is not taught about. The Khazarian Jesuits don't allow it.


Serbs, Croats, Bosnians originated from Polish lands.


The oldest state of the Slavs was not the Polanians, but The state of Samon formed around 623.

How did the weakening of the Slavs occur?

 Slavs fragmented into many tribes They were quick to impose themselves under the authority of the Avar rulers, who were allied with the Byzantines.

In some areas, especially where there were no strong tribal ties, the Slavic population surrendered without a fight. The Avars spared those who surrendered voluntarily, allowing them to live on their own land, while they themselves established fortresses, so-called rings, where they stored the spoils and food taken from the Slavs.



The Avars, a nomadic people were characterized in appearance by their braids. Men wore braids on their sides.


Khazars. A nomadic Turkic people who created a mighty steppe empire in eastern Europe during the darkest centuries of the Middle Ages.


Perhaps some are puzzled by the wartime genocide of the Khazars against their own and how it was the American Khazars (fake Judeans) who either killed their own or allowed their own to be killed.

The explanation of this conundrum is the power culture of the early Khazars. Well, in it Kagan was the representative of the continuity of power, the guarantor of the success of the people, the bearer of the divine mission, While the actual power was exercised by his deputy, in the case of the Avars - jugurrus. In cases of failure, a kagan whose power proved too weak was killed.

Sometimes the jugurrus defending him was also killed. Another dignity occurring in the late period, was the also attested by the Khazars tudun "qui in gente et regno Avarorum magnam potestatem habebat" ("who had great power with the people and in the kingdom of the Avars").


During World War 2, it became apparent that some Żs were no use to them. Too weak.

The above custom was not typical of the Israelites, so this is a criterion to expose the false Zet with a period.


Jednym z wodzów Awarskich był człowiek o jakże ciekawym nazwisku Tudun Izaak . Przedstawiciel koczowniczego plemienia miał imię izraelskie…

Tudun - a dignity found among the Avars and Khazars



One of the last cagans of Avar was baptized on September 21, 805, and acceptedHis name was Abraham.


Interestingly until now in the Balkans one of the famous dishes is Ajvar. Maybe a coincidence or maybe not.



Many other ancient and medieval sources refer to the Scythians, Huns (Khazars), Avars, and Madzars as the same peoples.


Even before writing this I was connecting the Khazars with the Scythians a barbarian people, but this has far more repercussions than it appears.


The Khazar progenitors the Avars used in the 6th century subjugated Slavs as cheap infantry, cannon flesh, for their mounted units. Every year, for the winter, the Avars came to the Slavic villages, where they collected obligatory tributes from the population and raped their wives and daughters.


They continue to do so: tributes, Afghanistan, etc.



Now an important historical moment.


The activities of Byzantine diplomacy triggered, in the mid-1720s, a pan-Slavic uprising against the Avars.


The center of the first revolt of the Slavs probably lay in Moravia. There were the most convenient possibilities to organize defense and there was the fastest way to count on help from neighboring Slavic tribes.. In time, the revolt probably spread to the Slavs living south of the Danube. Due to the organizational superiority and military superiority of the Avars, the revolt had little chance of success. However, the revolt survived and flourished thanks in part to support from Byzantium and the Frankish Empire, both of which were interested in destroying the Avar power. However, it was only when the Moravian and, in the second instance, the Pannonian Slavs joined forces with the Croatian-Serbian tribes moving south that the Moravian Slavs were able to free themselves from the yoke of Avar and secure their gained freedom with their own state organization.. In the course of the fighting, the Frankish merchant Samon (also Samo) gained great fame and was elected ruler of the future state.

Croats and Serbs moved further south and there, in Pannonia, they contributed to the liberation from the Avar yoke of the Slavs living in the Drava and Sava basins (See Carantania)


Recently I was wondering how it happened that the Polish Slavs (White Croatians and Lusatian Serbs) took over Byzantine territory in the 6th century.

How did it happen that as many as 500 years of Slavic history were lost between the baptism of Poland and the false date of the emergence and organization of Polishness, Slavism in our territories and the settlement of Croats and Serbs in the Balkans in the 5th and 6th centuries?

Czy wiecie jak podają to mainstremowe źródła? Słowianie się osiedlili na Bałkanach. Nie podbili, ale osiedlili….

The truth is that in the 6th century the Slavs went to the aid of their brothers to fight the Khazars (Avars).

Well, history is written by the winners, and they are Khazars again.

I just want to reiterate, the above, how the win came about:


" It was not until the merger of the Moravian Slavs and, in the second instance, the Pannonian Slavs, with the forces of the Croatian-Serbian tribes moving south allowed the Moravian Slavs to free themselves from the yoke of Avar and secure the gained freedom with its own state organization."



We are divided because this is their Khazar way of ruling. Even among Protestants there is no unity because this is also their doing.


Now it's all over because Poles don't care about their history and the fact that I have no authority among Poles.

Dlatego jak dla mnie jedyną nadzieją jest Jezus Chrystus – jedyny Król, który zniszczy dzicz chazarską.

The Catholic Church ruling the world and the Jesuits are the church of the Khazars and Edomites. The priests of the Catholic Church authorize the lawlessness of the Bible and therefore it will not be good.

Wrealu24, and many other pro-Catholic media outlets tell the truth but only partial truth. They do not deny the church of Rome. Maybe isolated cases. That is because they are with them.





There is a reason though wrongly on tv wreal they say visrael....

Wrongly because they are not the real Zet with a dot.


Do you know what religion was dominant among the Khazars and Avars?


Dziewczyna szamana…. itd


About the dignity that Poles don't have.


“Ok. 630 r. nieznani kupcy frankijscy, utrzymujący stosunki handlowe z poddanymi Samona, zostali zabici i obrabowani. Dagobert I wysłał do Samona swego posła – Sychariusza, którego jednak Samon nie chciał przyjąć. Sycharius, having disguised himself in Slavic robeshe made his way to the court of Samon. The negotiations proved to be uneventful. Samon refused the requested surrender of the murderers and the absolute submission to Dagobert[14]. The Frankish deputy, feeling in a position of strength, switched from a conciliatory attitude to violence and threats, which, however, also failed to produce the desired result[15]. Samon vowed that he had set up courts in his country that would mete out punishment, and that the Slavic lands could only recognize Dagobert as their lord if the Frankish king was willing to talk through peace rather than blackmail. Sychariusz odpowiedział: “Nie godzi się, aby chrześcijanie i słudzy Boży zawierali przymierze z psami”[14]. Outraged by the insolent behavior of the MP Samon wyrzucił go “sprzed swego oblicza”, dodając: “Wolno psom Bożym kąsać sługi Boże, jeżeli sługi te ciągle postępują przeciw jego woli“. Dagobert zrozumiał to jako wezwanie do wojny, co może nie było w zamiarze Samona, gdyż w słowach swych mógł on mieć na myśli tylko kupców frankijskich przybywających na teren Słowiańszczyzny, a nie całe Państwo Franków”. wikipedia

Niech te słowa będą podsumowaniem i drogowskazem moralnym dla Polaków o ile w ogóle coś z tego zrozumieją….

By the way, this shows that we accepted the faith of Jesus Christ much earlier than in some occult 966 (666).



To believing evangelicals.


Samon's response above should guide Protestants as they read Romans chapter 13 on submission to authority.

“Wolno psom Bożym kąsać sługi Boże, jeżeli sługi te ciągle postępują przeciw jego woli".






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