Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Parasites inside us.

Interested in the topic of cleansing the body, I found a very informative video:



One of the symptoms of parasites is sugar addiction. If attacks of strong desire for a sweet snack happen occasionally, there is nothing to worry about it may also be a reaction to stress.

Pasożyty żywią się cukrem i wszystkim innym co nasz organizm zamienia na cukier. Duża ilość  słodyczy i węglowodanów w diecie również tworzy śluz, idealne siedlisko dla grzybów, bakterii i pasożytów.”



Updated: 20 April 2016 — 16:38


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  1. Ble the abomination 🙁

  2. As far as foodborne infections are concerned, they can generally be minimized by acidifying the stomach. Acidify by adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to 1/5 cup of water. Drink this 10 minutes before a meal. This way the stomach starts to work the way it is supposed to work, that is, it produces hydrochloric acid and all kinds of harmful viruses, bacteria and parasites die together with the digested food.
    And absolutely do not take any heartburn pills, if you have heartburn it means that your stomach is digesting well, taking heartburn medication you harm yourself because such drugs neutralize the acid environment of the stomach, so the stomach does not digest as needed and thus are not supplied with various enzymes to the body and hence come to various diseases, and in addition the natural barrier against parasites and viruses does not work.
    In other words, pharmacy companies advertising heartburn medications are making idiots out of their customers.

  3. Wormwood and witch hazel are also said to work well

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