Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Jesuits

Even Catholic priests are concerned about the act of entrusting Ukraine and Russia to the so-called "mother goddess.

The priest himself notes that the word "sin" is not in this confession. He calls the act a rot.

Ale wiecie co jest najbardziej w tym niesamowite? To, że żaden, ale to absolutnie żaden pastor z Polinu, nie jest zaniepokojony tym aktem zawierzenia, a …

Programming people with resettlement of Ukrainians.

I thought the topic was so important that I would transcribe the video as per the title. Rumble over time may throw me off as well. Note that he has two triangles in his logo.



Kto ma władzę nad stacjami telewizyjnymi ten kreuje rzeczywistość, …

Leftist Catholic Church cardinal calls for revision of teaching that homosexuality is no longer "sinful"

The Roman Church from its very existence was the church of the devil himself, which was and is also in Judaism.

It is long past time for Catholics to quote Jesus as saying that "the gates of hell shall not prevail against this church is a strong abuse.

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