Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

On March 25, Pope Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Lucifer.

Two idolatrous countries. Two afflicted by communism and Khazaria. These two hostile post-Slavic countries worship the being behind Mary.


The title is meant to be blunt, honest, and true, and it is.

Maria była pokorną kobietą, gdy zobaczyła anioła powiedziała “oto ja służebnica Pańska”.

Now Rome creates towards the alleged Mary a being whom the angels should bow down to, but I have proved in several texts that this being hides the father of lies.


Jak podaje Dyrektor Biura Prasowego Stolicy Apostolskiej, Matteo Bruni w piątek 25 marca podczas celebracji pokutnej o godz. 17:00 w Bazylice św. Piotra, papież Franciszek poświęci Rosję i Ukrainę Niepokalanemu Sercu Maryi. “Tego samego aktu, tego dnia dokona w Fatimie Jego Eminencja Kardynał Krajewski, jałmużnik Jego Świątobliwości, jako wysłannik Ojca Świętego” – czytamy.



Every Marian country is a poor and exploited country.



If the Pope of the Catholics (after all, they do not protest against their Holy Father) consecrates Ukraine and Russia to the heart of Mary then they are done for.


I recall how it was about 2 years ago that Morawiecki paid tribute to Mary:



The Polin government entrusted Poland to Astarte.

The result? Ukrainians have more privileges than Poles and Poles are being killed by Polinsky's new disorder.


I recommend my text from 6 years ago:


Is Lucifer the same person as the spirit behind the so-called Mother of God?


Generally already after Ukraine and Russia regardless of the course of hostilities.


Updated: 16 March 2022 — 10:22

1 Comment

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  1. You may be right. From the cult of Mary, our homeland is kicked from all sides.

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