Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

If Russia attacks Poland, it will be PIS's fault.


Jaroslaw Kaczynski, who said that in Ukraine "a NATO peacekeeping mission or a broader international arrangement is needed

Światowe media zwracają uwagę, że wizyta delegacji Polski, Czech i Słowenii odbyła się “bez koordynacji z Unii Europejskiej i wiązała się z niebezpieczeństwem”. “Charles Michel i Ursula von der Leyen zostali powiadomieni [o niej – red.] na kilka godzin przed podróżą,114881,28226986,co-mial-na-mysli-kaczynski-dworczyk-tlumaczy-nie-ma-mowy-o.html


As you can see Kaczynski is overzealous in this and seems to be realizing his plan of revenge for Smolensk, which according to many was caused among others by Polish agents. Some of the PO deputies resigned from the flight at the last moment.


How can you, in a time of war, go to a country that has been attacked, among other reasons, because NATO wants to expand its borders.

Mr. Kaczynski, is that what the corny patriotic songs were for?


Is this why a game titled "The Game" was among the school readings?

This War of Mine:



Are Poles to die again in the name of the Khazar national minority?


If you know any PISomaniacs, appeal to them and even stigmatize them for meddling in Ukrainian affairs. It is not our business.


Sometimes I think my work here doesn't make sense. It's like kicking a horse. To listen you have to be first of all Catholic, secondly have an idol, preferably of the Slavic elite, and sometimes swear.

I'm not saying I don't have coverage, but who cares about the Bible, and it's mind altering. Yes, conspiracies are paramount to some still thinking, but not God, not Jesus.

Wiem, wiem, budzą się ludzie, ale jaki to odzew? Może za dużo wymagam, może jestem niecierpliwy….


Thank you for everyone supporting me, for the good word. This is my take.

A triathlon coach died today. He was well liked in his community. I thought to myself, how sick Christianity is. Man is a wolf to man. What kind of quality is this? What is this norm, standard, fruit, culture?

People want to push their doctrines or non-doctrines, beliefs, but what do they achieve by doing so? What have they gained, who have they convinced, what quality of society have they produced?


I wrote that if Russia attacks Poland it will be PIS's fault, but basically in this anti-Russian amok it is Polin who can attack Russia.

Polin is becoming a useful idiot in the hands of the US, just as I was a useful idiot believing years ago in politics.


The lake of fire is paved with good intentions.



Updated: 16 March 2022 — 12:28

1 Comment

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  1. And unofficially, the government has made a deal with Russia, on gas and oil.

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