Category: The Great Tribulation
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During the Biblical Great Tribulation, Christians will return to apostolic times by meeting in homes or in the open air because all churches will be in ecumenism. Already today all so-called Protestant (non-protestant) denominations are institutionalized. Meeting outside the churches will be forbidden.
The EU has agreed to Bayer's acquisition of Monsanto.
The next step to NWO, or agro market merger.
The European Union has agreed to the acquisition of the American company Monsanto by the German company Bayer. The merger, worth 66 billion dollars, will create the largest conglomerate in the global seeds and pesticides market.
In less than half an hour, an artificial intelligence machine can identify 2 billion people.
A leading technology company has developed an artificial intelligence machine that can identify two billion people within.
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The dangers of 5G telephony, or even more cancer and electronic smog.
The GMO problem next to the 5G problem is a piker. Sorry, Mr. Peak.
We are approaching 5G telephony because the frequency bands currently used by cell phones and similar technologies are saturated.
A także dlatego, że żyjemy w świecie, w którym ludzie chcą …
Wielki ucisk cz. 4 – Otwarcie pieczęci.
Andrew explains not only the opening of the seals, but the methodologies and understanding of the apocalypse.…
Ks. Paweł Murziński – Ks. Daniela 7 – Wizja czterech bestii – Czasy ostateczne
The following material is a rarity on this blog. However, I strongly recommend this lecture by a ROMAN PRINCE because of the fact that he has gone beyond his institution. Please pray for this priest.
Some quotes from the lecture:
“:Biblistyka katolicka unika pewnych wersow z …
EU demands that social media start censoring "fake news" within 24 hours."
Soon it won't matter who is right and which doctrine is correct. All the Bible thumpers will no longer be able to read sites like mine because of the EU:
“Unia Europejska domaga się by Twitter, YouTube i …
Szczyt NATO w Polsce – jaki był jego cel?
Kilka dni temu napisałem tekst pt “Czy będzie w Polsce wojna?’. Nie dawał mi on spokoju. Coś mi brakowało. Dlatego teraz pragnę przedstawić pewne jego dopełnienie.
Być może zdradzę na samym wstępie mój tok myślenia, przypominając o tzw Zimnej Wojnie.…
Google i Wielki Ucisk
Czy może ktoś to przetłumaczyć, tzn tekst na dole?
Image #2: The little g has his feet just under the lamp or light. The number 22, which is double 11 (which symbolizes disorder and chaos, 11 ...