Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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The EU has agreed to Bayer's acquisition of Monsanto.

The next step to NWO, or agro market merger.



The European Union has agreed to the acquisition of the American company Monsanto by the German company Bayer. The merger, worth 66 billion dollars, will create the largest conglomerate in the global seeds and pesticides market.

The decision comes after both companies confirmed their willingness to strengthen the position in the agricultural sector of another giant: BASF, by transferring to it its seeds, pesticides and technologies related to the digitization of agriculture, worth more than 6 billion euros.

European Competition Commissioner Margarethe Vestager said in a statement:
“Zgodziliśmy się na przejęcie firmy Monsanto przez firmę Bayer, ponieważ ich deklaracja, warta ponad 6 mld Euro, spełnia nasze wymagania odnośnie zachowania konkurencyjności w branży rolniczej. Możemy mieć pewność , że skuteczna rywalizacja oraz dalszy rozwój na rynku nasion, środków ochrony roślin i cyfryzacji rolnictwa, zostaną zachowane

Among those concerned about the EC's decision is Friends of the Earth Europe. Its members point out that more than half of Europeans were in favor of the EC blocking this merger, but their voice was not heard.
“Powstanie największa i najpotężniejsza na świecie firma agrochemiczna, która będzie wciskać genetycznie modyfikowane nasiona i toksyczne pestycydy wprost na nasze pola i nasze talerze.” – twierdzi Adrian Bebb z wyżej wspomnianej organizacji..””


People don't believe in conspiracies when the losing country in World War II is one of the most prominent in the world. Mergers are just so that there will be a monopoly in every industry. So that we are dependent on specific companies, and those who want to have their own gardens will be prosecuted in the majesty of the law.

Is there anything to be afraid of? Unbelievers can't handle it all, but Christians know that this is the time when the Lord Jesus will soon come.






Updated: 12 April 2018 — 21:18


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    1. To nie jest normalne, coś strasznego… :/

  1. Bayer is the result of the breakup of IG Farben, which was responsible for supporting the armaments of the Third Reich, using the slave labor of concentration camp inmates, producing Zyklon B (but not for distributing it) and experimenting on them with its drugs, which is exactly what Bayer does

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