Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

EU demands that social media start censoring "fake news" within 24 hours."

Soon it won't matter who is right and which doctrine is correct. All the Bible thumpers will no longer be able to read sites like mine because of the EU:


“Unia Europejska domaga się by Twitter, YouTube i Facebook zaczęły w ciągu 24 godzin cenzurowanie “nielegalnej mowy nienawiści”, i.e. content that contains so-called “fałszywe wiadomości”. The term is so broad that it includes fully legitimate news.

Complaining that censorship is currently taking too long, EU commissioners are threatening to pass new laws if “nie-legislacyjne podejście” will fail.

“Ostatnie tygodnie i miesiące pokazały, że firmy mediów społecznościowych muszą odegrać ważną rolę i podjąć swoją część odpowiedzialności, jeśli chodzi o takie zjawiska jak radykalizacja w internecie, nielegalna mowa nienawiści lub fałszywe wiadomości,” EU Justice Commissioner Věra Jourová told the Financial Times newspaper."





Usunięto także świetną serie prof Veitha pt Totalny atak. Zapewne zrobiła to ta część adwentystów, która chce wejść do ekumenii, a prof Veith jest temu przeciwny. Ciekaw jestem co powiedzą w tej sytuacji ludzie oczerniający wcześniej Veitha jako agenta szatana…

Veit is on the good side.

Now you can see who is on what side.

The Zion-Vatican is attacking with full force. Also my blog.

The days of freedom are over. I was wrong in my assumptions about this blog when I wrote that the top of the year would be. Six months tops.

Wolność się kończy, a zaczyna Nowy “Porządek” Świata znany jako NWO, a może będzie to równoznaczne z Wielkim Uciskiem biblijnym.

I suggest you download valuable materials from YT to your hard drives, although even homes will be searched at some point, so in this situation the most important thing is the Bible, and everyone has a Bible at home. It will be easier with God.






Updated: 8 December 2016 — 16:11


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  1. What are we supposed to do? I, for example, have pasted links to our virtual community under all the popular, factual anti-Catholic videos on yt.

  2. po 13 grudnia już mogą nastać zmiany…

  3. UE ma monopol na “PRAWDĘ” wychodzi… :/

  4. I wonder who will now have a monopoly on truth?
    A kłótnicy wyjdą na ulicę; wielkie mi co… 🙂

  5. You know something, Peter. You know the darknet? Maybe he could create a website there? I heard that if they block here, they can't block there. I don't know if it is true 🙂 .

    1. I don't know if it's a good idea to go into the darkest corners of the internet....

      1. Why not? There is no need to search anywhere. Just copy the generated link to the page, for example, to notepad and there it is. On tor browser it works. I am just not sure how it is created there. And when will they seriously block the detective? Better to be safe

        1. Póki co, to tutaj chodzi o blokowanie “fałszywych wiadomości” na portalach społecznościowych a nie całego internetu 🙂

        2. And you think the dark net got that name by accident? Do you know what turd is published there? Do you think it's not controlled in any way? They pull the wool over your eyes with total freedom browsers like TOR etc. Everything is censored only that in the darknet the devil himself rules so people think that there is infinite freedom there since you can find there everything from live murders, tortures or the most disgusting pedophilia! It's better to be locked up than to enter the cave of evil. Besides, the talk was about social media for the time being of course 🙂 .

    2. Szymek you are absolutely right. The Darknet and the Tor network is not just about criminal content. It was created mainly for reasons of censorship and blocking the freedom of expression. There are regimes in which only thanks to the Tor network people can have information from the world and exchange information.
      Tor is impossible to block or surveil, because it is based on a network of servers, each of which knows only its nearest neighbor, nothing more, and the page travels through about 6 servers. So you don't really know where the source is, even if you already display the page at home.
      Link do dp nie wyglądał by wtedy “” a np “u4lskfnsakr495832ksjarfsncls21nspodf.onion” 🙂 Nie do namierzenia, nie dostępny z poziomu google i do otwarcia jedynie przez bezpieczną przeglądarkę Tor Browser. Dostęp do dp byłby tylko dla znających pełen link, co też jest dobrą formą obrony przed inwigilacją i blokowaniem przez służby NWO, które tworzą się na naszych oczach.
      Worse for accessibility of content to casual, new readers 🙁

      1. A no właśnie Piotrze… Nie każdy by znał adres. Najważniejsze, to znać i głosić Słowo Boże. Telefon czy komputer może paść, ale Prawdy to nam nikt siłą nie zabierze. 🙂 Bóg jest z nami i nam pomoże. 😉

        1. Dlatego kazdy juz na wszelki wypadek musi miec link ze stronka w razie “w” 😀

  6. Most people associate God's blessing on a person with material prosperity (sometimes this is the case). While followers of Jesus Christ know that it is the power given from the Lord of hosts to fight against their own and strangers' sin and spiritual peace.

  7. The church and its branches are an extremely destructive sect which has a very negative influence on the Polish people. However, its days are numbered. It will be judged severely for its numerous sins and crimes. Let it happen soon.

  8. To your fellow-countrymen and your foreign neighbours deceived by Rome. Do you wish that you and your families should be condemned with the Whore of Babylon? If not, come out from her ranks and join us, followers of Jesus Christ. You will forfeit earthly pleasures and gain something lasting and imperishable in return: Eternal Life and Salvation. It is truly worth it. I leave the choice to you. With God.

  9. People are convinced (falsely) that the end of the world will come sometime, but certainly not during their generation, and they laugh at/disregard/attack those who call for remembrance. May they not be surprised and weep bitterly at the time when our Lord, the King of kings, Jesus Christ returns.

  10. You will have to invest in the smallest possible edition, because such as BG in Strong's system will be hard to hide during a search.

    1. As an app on your phone, or in an e-book reader in the storage compartment under the floor 😉

  11. Cenzor z filmu fabularnego pt Ucieczka z kina Wolnosc ( Polska 1990 ) stwierdzil, iz w/w czynnosc jest sztuka. Tylko, iz nie dodal, iz arcy diaboliczna…

  12. They are going all the way: Computer analysis of the Bible has shown that Jesus will come to earth later this year. Moments later, the end of the world will occur

    1. They are pushing nonsense, I read about it today ;/ Some blinded people will believe this crap.

      1. Thanks for the warning, now I'll know not to look at that link 😀

    2. No one knows when the end will come but the Father. You don't know that and you're putting something out of a box? Strange

      1. It is an obvious fact that only the Father knows the time of the end. It's funny and sad at the same time that there are people who think they can throw God's Word into a computer and get the answer to everything.

        1. Może być też inne wytłumaczenie. Może to przygotowanie na przyjście “mesjasza”. Kto to wie…

  13. Pogon za uciechami cielesnymi i dobrami materialnymi zacmila juz umysly wielu ludzi… My przeto mamy sie miec caly na nacznosci by strumien zycia wartki nie pochlonal i nas.

  14. I guess it's only in Poland that such censorship exists, because the original in the USA has always been available for free on yt by the authors of the series.

    1. To jest aż dziwne, że to pousuwali… :/

    1. I know it, nice workmanship!!! 🙂
      Tak jak za samym Edem Sheeranem aż tak nie przepadam, to doceniam to że w zalewie “niewiadomoczego” tak się pozytywnie wyróżnia- bez jakichś zbędnych kombinacji na scenie itp. 🙂

  15. Catholicism (which pretends to be Christianity, or rather Christianized paganism) promotes passivity, inactivity, indolence and indolence. Christianity, on the other hand, is the opposite of this.

    1. That is to say, in consequence, it opts for a flawed body rather than a lofty spirit, and thus contributes to poverty instead of wealth.

  16. Nasi ludzie mysla, iz kopiac i gryzac sie nawzajem do czegos dojda,,, Takie sa skutki kwasu faryzeuszow made by krk…

  17. and let them do it 🙂 we will be stronger in the deep web and there they can't do anything

  18. Hi brothers and sisters!!!

    I have a question...
    Która modlitwa “Ojcze Nasz…” jest prawidłowa?

    1) Our Father who art in heaven.
    Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come.
    Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.

    2)Our Father who art in heaven.
    May your name be hallowed, may your kingdom come, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And do not let us yield to temptation, but preserve us from evil.
    For if you forgive men their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
    But if you do not forgive men and your Father will not forgive you your transgressions.

    Pierwsza jest z NT – 1974 Warszawa
    Druga jest z NT – Olsztyn 1998

    Od małego byłem uczony pierwszej modlitwy – czy to przez moich dziadków katolików, czy rodziców, czy to w szkole… No i przede wszystkim Krk stosuje tę formę modlitwy. Wydaje mi się nieco pozmieniana, dlatego przeszedłem na drugą modlitwę wraz z moją przemianą duchową.

    And the second one I've heard about is the true, unadulterated prayer.

    what is your opinion?
    Thank you in the name of Jesus Christ

    1. We pray 2 versions of the Lord's Prayer

    2. Ta wersja, gdzie jest “I nie dopuść abyśmy ulegli pokusie” jest dobra 🙂
      because the Bible says that God tempts no one (and the first version of the prayer says: and lead us not into temptation):

      James 1:13-14
      “Kto doznaje pokusy, niech nie mówi, że Bóg go kusi. Bóg bowiem ani nie podlega pokusie ku złemu, ani też nikogo nie kusi. 14 To własna pożądliwość wystawia każdego na pokusę i nęci.”

      1. That's the beautiful thing about Scripture explaining Scripture, and no matter how much they want to lie, it's all consistent.

        1. Right. Those who love God's Word, with time begin to dig deeper and deeper, then the ambiguities begin to clear up and faith grows stronger and stronger.

    3. The most important thing is to pray sincerely, with faith and love for God, and how the translators translated it is a secondary matter. It depends on which one you are more comfortable saying.

    4. NBG z kolei mówi ” i nie wprowadź nas w doświadczenie, ale nas wybaw od złego. Bowiem Twoje jest Królestwo, moc i chwała na wieki wieków.”
      Ciekawe, że np. tysiąclatka omija całkowicie ostatnie zdanie…

      1. Dzięki detektywowi zaczęłam mówić w modlitwie to zdanie, bo nawet nie miałam o tym pojęcia. Przecież ono jest takie piękne i ma w sobie taki efekt “wow” że aż trudno to opisać. 🙂

      2. Yes, it does indeed bypass. Interesting. Such a beautiful sentence.

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