Putin wystąpił o zgodę na użycie wojsk za granicami kraju. Otrzymał ją natychmiast.
- Prezydent Ukrainy podpisał dekret o mobilizacji rezerwistów wojskowych.
- BIDEN powiedział, że jeśli Rosja nie wycofa wojsk z Białorusi, nastąpi ruch wojsk amerykańskich.
- NATO postawiło ponad 100 samolotów
Category: Khazars
Anti-Polish Stuhr earned tens of thousands of zlotys for hosting the gala of the 2021 Varsovian Woman of the Year competition
We Bible believers cannot envy anyone's money, so what I am going to write is an assessment from the point of view of a citizen and a journalist at the same time because it is with taxpayer money.
Osobiście nie interesuje mnie nawet ile zarabia Rydzyk, ponieważ ludzie sami oferują …
War News 18.02.2022 Ukranians "garage sale". Why does it have to be bad?
- What we are dealing with now is psychological warfare Valery Gerasimov, who has stood by Vladimir Putin's side as head of the Russian armed forces since 2012, described a war doctrine that relies on creating anxiety in enemy society rather than overt action
Staff at a Dutch university have been ordered to disclose any links they may have to Israeli and Jewish organizations
Pro-Palestinian group The Rights Forum filed a Freedom of Information request to force disclosure . Administrators of more than a dozen universities in the Netherlands are currently gathering information on ties to Israeli and Jewish organizations. Gerard Jonkman, dyrektor The Rights Forum, powiedział, że prośba …
War News 14.02.2022.
3. Cztery amerykańskie bombowce B-52H Stratofortress, zdolne do przenoszenia broni atomowej, wylądowały wczoraj w Wielkiej
Chinese researchers have just created an "AI nanny" to care for babies in an artificial womb.
Moms of the future "rejoice". AI babies will soon be caring for human fetuses in the lab.
Researchers in Suzhou, China, say they have created a system that can monitor and care for embryos that develop into fetuses while growing in an artificial ...
Truck driver protest scam.
The anti-systemicists will not like this post, but I don't write for the public and for ratings. I write for the truth and that is Jesus.
The very fact that these drivers are cursing Trudeau shows that they need God as much as their Prime Minister.
Tak w …
A deluge of Illuminati symbols. This time in T-mobile the eye of Horus.
This is already a plague and they can safely afford it because humanity is in total darkness.
In its latest commercial, the network irreverently and ostentatiously displays its spirituality.
Co to oznacza? Dlaczego teraz się na to …
Watykan buduje nadal Chrislam: “Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie są wiodącym modelem globalnej solidarności ludzkiej”
The Khazarian Vatican is building the religion of the antichrist.
The Vatican stressed that the UAE is a leading model of global human solidarity and its humanitarian initiatives transcend geographical borders and encourage pioneering examples that promote peaceful coexistence, tolerance and peace around the world.
Podczas bana od Fejsa dostałem drugiego bana.
Praise Jesus.
Co to za wielka przyjemność dostać duble bana od korporacji mega lewicowej a wręcz komunistycznej 🙂
Tym razem dostałem bana na 90dni:
“Ponieważ na Twojej stronie były cyklicznie udostępniane fałszywe informacje, nałożono na nią ograniczenia, …