I received a message from my brother in faith that he got from a friend in Kaliningrad:

Any Ukrainian or Russian who hates their enemy is a murderer and will burn in a lake of fire if they don't convert, just like Poles who hate Russians or their own countrymen for taking care of themselves, their family and their country. Below screen under the post of a friend who once commented on how the job market will change once the displaced people are admitted:
Hardly a killer is any believer who takes out a Brother or Sister, takes revenge, looks for an opportunity to spike.
I am not the one who sets the standards but God has one.
This world is full of lies, and it is our part to expose the lies, for Protestantism does not do this. They are a system of beasts.
Pastor Majdylo (eye):
Pastor Olechnowicz:
etc. etc.
According to pastors, only one side kills. This is the morality of the neo-Pharisees.
The text was intended to inform about a potential false flag, but it is impossible not to comment on this occasion on the Law of God, which the pastors fight so hard against. According to them, the decalogue is no longer binding, it has been nailed to the cross, and indeed, when we see the attitudes they have towards war, the decalogue has not only been nailed, it has been shattered just as the Roman church shattered it by changing the commandments.
You shall not kill. Exodus 20.13
Edmund Doss, who killed no one during World War 2, knew this commandment well.
Being a paramedic, he saved both his colleagues and people from the enemy camp.
It's fun to watch Survivor's Pass as well as it's fun to read my blog, but it's no longer fun to follow the 4th commandment.
One of the hundreds of pastors not at all criticized by the Polish pastorate, Pawel Chojecki, who like most pro-Israel pastors rejects God's Law, urged people to own guns:
Because there are so many doctrines and so many denominations and so many quasi-Christian groups I always recommend that believers sanctify themselves and not go to sites with opposing doctrines.
For example, if you recognize that I am rambling on about something, then you should have strength and character and not read the blog because you will contaminate yourself.
Unfortunately, people are absolutely unfamiliar with the concept of holy or unclean, and they dabble in various sites. It has come to such a paradox that I am read by people who enter the videos of a newly functioning social media aficionado of a pastor from Bielsko who rejects the Decalogue, believing that if you keep the commandments you are a Judaist.
Such people have neither character nor honor.
Trzeba umieć stanąć przy swoim, żeby przekonać się czy się sparzysz. Katolicy mogą tkwić w kościele Rzymu nakłaniającym do dźgania i jednocześnie nie lubić papieża. To jest brak uświęcenia, ale o ileż większy wstyd jest u protestantów, którzy “znają” pismo, ale nie oddzielają się od złych stron, ale skaczą jak Gucio i Maja z kwiatka na kwiatek.
Which option of Orthodoxy is right in this conflict
Ukrainian or Russian?
None. Orthodox deceivers if sanctified would urge desertion.
Religions deceive and the result is that children in this war will lose their fathers.
Ale kogo to wszystko interesuje…
I remember when I was little. I was about 10 years old and my grandmother made me drown the little dogs.
Teraz też jakas Kocica będzie się kocic. Jakbym to zrobił to by mnie sumienie gryzło…
These wars, divisions are for brother to kill brother. Then a blood sacrifice is made. Satan wants to destroy instead of building. God's laws are violated in the name of ideology. I thought the days when people didn't know this were over. Of course, the family is sacred and I would defend it, but not fighting in the name of the interests of the Polish-Jewish Ungovernment.