Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Character believers with principles. Are you separated?

Jednym z wyróżników człowieka uświęconego jest oddzielenie, albowiem słowo “święty” z hebrajskiego oznacza oddzielony. Pytanie od kogo i czego i dla kogo?


The map below shows the boundaries of real, ancient Israel with a very important locale that I often bring up with these types of articles.



Kadesz oznacza z hebrajskiego “Oddzielony”.

KedeshKadesh - a place located according to the Book of Joshua (Josh 15:23) In the borderlands of Edom and southeastern Judea.


This is very important symbolism, for Edom was the eternal enemy of Israel. Eventually, through the sins of the Israelites, it was taken over by Edom around the 2nd century BC, when the Edomite Herod dynasty reigned in Judea. From then on, the remnant of Israel that were the Judeans were no longer separate. They were mixed not only with the red Edomites, but also most likely with the ancestors of the Khazars, as peoples settled in Babylonia flowed into Samaria.


In the spiritual life, we also have certain boundaries that, when crossed, cause us to cease to be holy (separate to God). We cease to be the people of God.

Israel fell apart because of syncretism with foreigners, because of the gravitation to the lifestyle of pagan countries.

These issues are of colossal importance especially in these times when Poland is receiving Ukrainians who are partly Marian, largely superstitious and additionally partly Nazis.

We believers, we should help everyone, but the household of faith first, followed by compatriots, and finally foreigners.

Akcja wojskowa pt. “Przesiedlenie Ukraińców” ma wiele celów politycznych, których teraz nie będę teraz omawiał, ale lud Boży jakim nie jest Polska powinien zadbać o to, aby przybysz dostosował się do obyczajów i praw ludu Bożego.



(22) There shall be one law among you, both for the stranger and for the native, for I, the Lord, am your God.
(Księga Kapłańska 24:22)”


Co dobrego wniosą Ukraińcy tego nie wiem, ale wiem, że Polakom się to należy, gdyż nie wiedzą, co to jest uświęcenie. Gdyby wiedzieli, to nie poddaliby się wykreowanym emocjom i uczuciom wstrzykniętym przez telewizor, tylko zastanowili by się np. dlaczego akurat do biednej Polski mają się udać, dlaczego ustawy emigracyjne były przygotowywane sporo przed wojną, dlaczego nie będzie można eksmitować uchodźców…etc. etc.


I am aware that unsanctified people do not understand what I write. I don't mean Catholics who don't know the Scriptures at all, but the supposedly biblical believers who, drunk with the teachings of Zionist pastors, reject the Torah, and yet the NT apostles quoted mainly the Torah. Lack of knowledge comes from lack of sanctification and has nothing to do with an ascetic life of no alcohol, no cigarettes, or modest clothing and other things.


Therefore, let me give you an example. Well, around 2015 on my blog, someone suggested that we all move to some coastal town and start a Christian village.

They mentioned the positive sides of this endeavor like helping each other, deciding through the advantage of the village government's character, worshiping God together, meditating on Scripture, etc.

Very interesting idea and let's say it would come to fruition.

But at some point we would be co-opted by law at the parliamentary level by Islamists. The peace would be disrupted, the customs of the Islamists would be in conflict with ours, and sometimes there would be Ramadan on the village streets. There would be cultural and religious conflicts.


Is this an abstract? But what happened to France, Germany, Scandinavia? Of course these countries were not sanctified, but even watching a series of French films like Gendarme on Retirement we still saw as something uncommon people of a different race of a different complexion and culture. Maybe there were three such people throughout the series.

Current French films are dominated by people from Africa.

We believers are not racist because there is no longer a Judean or a Greek. Our brother and sister may be someone in Christ living in Egypt, Ethiopia, India.


What is happening in the world is spiritual warfare. There is deliberate mixing of religions, cultures so that Christianity will eventually disappear.

This is because humanity has no sanctified priests and pastors. There is no one to show them direction, so territories are taken over by territorial superiors.


(20) Then he said: Do you know why I have come to you? But now I must return to fight with the angelic prince of Persia; and when I go forth to battle, behold, the angelic prince of Greece will appear.
(Daniel 10:20)


It was when Daniel was informed of a battle between a military man from the Host of Heaven's Army and a fallen angel in charge of Persia.

Similarly, we Poles have an angel responsible for Poland. Unfortunately, Poles do not favor him.



By giving Poland to the Queen of Heaven, the Pole in his home will be a guest.



Here's the new order.





Poland has been defeated spiritually and everyone will pay the consequences although for the sanctified there will be a way out but I won't write here what. Too many immature people read the blog.

Pearls are not thrown anywhere.

Generally this article was supposed to be about something else entirely, but it was impossible not to get hooked on the current situation.


Let us return to Kadesh and sanctification.


Ponieważ Ja jestem Pan, Bóg wasz – uświęćcie się. Bądźcie świętymi, ponieważ Ja jestem święty” (Kpł 11, 44).


In other words, separate yourselves from what is unclean. Not only sin, though primarily doing lawlessness, but also from what is not holy, from what is of the world.


(19) If you were of the world, the world would love what is its; but that you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
(John 15:19)



A measure of faith. Does the world hate you? If not, it means you are of the world. Syncretic Catholics are loved by the world.

Ja i moich wielu Braci  w Chrystusie jesteśmy znienawidzeni ponieważ nie mam w swoich domach choinek, nie jesteśmy katolikami, nie uznajemy istoty podającej się za Marię, nie słuchamy metalu, nie oglądamy seriali namiętnie. Nie uczestniczymy w chazarskich akcjach jak WOSP, nie chcemy aby ingerowano w nasze DNA, negujemy papieża, część z nas świętuje właściwy dzień święty (jest tylko JEDEN – sobota), nie popieramy aborcji, choć nie piętnujemy osób ją popełniających itd itd.


Unfortunately, the majority of churches and believers are going with the flow. They make concessions to the world. That is why those who deny me are unable in their great weakness to leave my blog. W

It's even worse with believers, because they should reject reading my blog in the first place if they deny my person for any reason: whether doctrine, character, approach to faith.

Such people are not sanctified. They cultivate a buffet. They are idle and shallow persons though often religious and without charity.



If you think I am wrong in my doctrines then go your way and see if you are going the right way, and don't put yourself under my sanctification, under my Spirit. If you think you are better led by the Spirit then don't look here. This is a great opportunity to train sanctification.



I once mentioned how it made me very happy when a reader said he wasn't going to read any more because I didn't let him through on Discord. Praise God for that attitude.

We all should learn consistency. Choose the group that suits you, that you think is best and don't jump around blogging channels.


People from ecumenical denominations visit my blog and yet are stuck in a marriage with Rome.



The above photo from the Alliance shows ecumenical unity in diversity. Men representing the Baptists, KZ, KECH, KCHWE are with Rome.


Mateusz Wichary, first right, with the Polish Ecumenical Council, and unsanctified Baptists are still stuck in prostitution.



Krotoszyn is no different:



If you deny my blog, approach to faith, etc., then you should/should treat me like a tax collector and a pagan, because either I am wrong or YOU are wrong. Go where the information from a biblical angle is given closest to your principles of faith. It's so simple and yet so hard for an unordained person.



 (26) And he spoke to the church with these words: Depart from the tents of these ungodly men. Do not touch anything that belongs to them, lest you perish through all their sins. Numbers 16.



Musi być zdecydowana granica – KADESZ. Nie dotykaj wzrokiem mego bloga jeśli głoszę herezje!


That is why there is a mass of denominations, because humanity does not want to sanctify itself. What kind of separation is this between Orthodoxy and Rome if they work together?



If believers can't even separate themselves from Sunday with a holy day then what is the point?


Misfortune must fall on Poland because people are not separated for God.

It doesn't matter that you know that stabbings kill. It doesn't matter that you know that your neighbor's war is theater if you don't know what is sacred and what is not sacred.


We live in a world of intermingling cultures and beliefs, and while there are no longer religious monoliths (with minor exceptions in Islam, which is conquering the world), in the spiritual realm those boundaries should be clear.


(4) And God saw that the light was good. So God separated the light from the darkness.
(Genesis 1:4)
(4) When one separates the slag from the silver, the goldsmith will succeed with the vessel;
(Proverbs 25:4)
 AThat you may remember and keep all my commandments, and be saints of your God.
(Numbers 15:40)

Good luck with sanctification.

That's where it all starts.



Updated: 14 March 2022 — 12:41

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