Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The government of England has released a report confirming that full-blown stabbings now account for 9 out of every 10 deaths per celebrity.

Even quite a bit before the war, I wrote and said that the war was to, among other things, cover up murders with potions.

KhazarBook censors me, and so I had to change certain words.


The latest figures released by the UK's Health Security Agency confirm a dramatic increase in deaths among the triple stabbing population, while deaths among the non-bearing population in England have been steadily declining.

The latest figures show that the fully stabbed accounted for 9 out of every 10 deaths per celebrity in the past month; and the thrice-stabbed accounted for 4 out of every 5 of them.




We must be aware that people are now being brainwashed (brain washed). I am no discoverer in this if I state that the virus has escaped the media and now celebrity is war.

Even has a special war channel from Ukraine.

You are supposed to keep your heads busy only with war and wait for new corpses, for new ruins, for new sanctions on Russia.


Nie wiem jak u Was, ale w moim regionie widzę coraz więcej nekrologów, a przecież wojny u nas nie ma. Przynajmniej miitarnej i choć na całym świecie trwa operacja wojskowa pod kryptonimem plan demia, czy jak to nazywam planowana demonia, to jednak czołgi póki co jeszcze nie wjechały i ani jeden strzał nie został oddany, a już tysiące umarło albo od respi…. albo w kolejce do lekarza, albo od dźagnek.


Meanwhile, the UK reports data that should send a message to both the stabbed and the unstabbed.


The UK Health Safety Agency (UKHSA) publishes a weekly surveillance report on stabbing against a celebrity, the latest of which was published on Thursday, February 24, 22nd and can be viewed here .

Table 10, on page 41 of the latest report, shows the number of celebrity cases by stabbing status in England between 24 January and 20 February 22 and confirms that the vast majority were among the triple stabbing population.




In total, between Jan. 24 and Feb. 20, 1,490,464 celebrity cases were recorded across England, and the triple-stabbed population accounted for 752,126 of them, while the non-stabbed population accounted for 404,030 of them, but 303,107 of cases involved children.

Overall, the stabbed population accounted for 1,086,434 cases, meaning they accounted for 73% of all Covid-19 cases between Jan. 24 and Feb. 20.22 But if we remove children from the equation, we find that The stabbed population accounted for 91% of all cases case celebrity among people over the age of 18 in England.

So the UK government released a report confirming that the fully vaccinated now account for 9 out of every 10 Covid-19 deaths in England. News like this is swept under the rug by the Khazar media.


Truth at present is like gold. It has its value, but of even greater value is salvation from the death of the other, for everyone will die, but not everyone will be awakened to eternal life without lies, without disease, and without war and hatred.






Updated: 2 March 2022 — 13:43

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