Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Infoholism warfare and the two faces of religionists.

Recently, during a voice conversation on Discord and in a chat room, some Brothers and Sisters admitted that they had given in to the mania of exploring information around the wars, which caused them to be distant from God and anxious.


You could feel the adrenaline, excitement and waves of emotions.

However, having the infliction of the Sanctifying Spirit, we were convinced in a moment that this was the wrong way.

This is how God works in converted people. He redirects to the right track. We have a right to wander temporarily, but not to be stuck in resistance to the Spirit of God.


Of course, it's important to know what's going on, especially since there's a terrible buzz of information, or rather misinformation.

By examining reality and subjecting it to verification, we know that we are being deceived.



Now, for example, we know that the construction of the wall and the whole affair with Islamic refugees on the border with Belarus was a farce, because, firstly, Muslims get in elegantly and without any obstacles through the Polish-Ukrainian border, and secondly, letting the same refugees into Ukraine who could not cross into Poland on the border with Belarus is proof of the apparent Belarus-Ukraine conflict.

Łukaszenka  jest puzzlem systemu chazarskiej bestii tak samo jak Zełeński. Oni dwaj się POROZUMIELI  kwestii nachodźców islamskich. Popatrzcie, uchodźcy byli na Białorusi od jesieni. Polska mocno “broniła” granic od ok listopada. Mamy luty i przekraczają granice. Musieli wiedzieć, że warto przeczekać do lutego/marca….Oni mieli informacje o tym, że otworzy się granica.


We also know through paging the net that maisntrem media use old photos and videos to show the war in Ukraine.

Tak, wojna jest, ale jest teatrem dla mas. Wystarczy popatrzeć na profile fejsbukowe czy prokomunistyczny (wcześniej Axel Springer. Nie niemiecki, ale chazarsko-niemiecki), aby wiedzieć, że te flagi żółto niebieskie są tym samym co WOSP, czy Ostatnia Prosta….

They prey on feelings and emotions.



Now we know that the New Robbery (new order), is robbing people prepared to accept refugees. Normally a masterpiece of social engineering. All perfectly synchronized in time. Does this remind us of anything? But of course: the so-called "new order". reformę Balcerowicza, polegającą na narzuceniu nowych podatków. dzisiaj już się nie mówi haracz, czy danina dla Chazarów ale “reforma”.



Janosik takes cover with Morawiecki (family with YT boss).



While Tuskosik took from the poor to give to the rich, and now has 20% support among not very smart Poles (certainly not bible-believing) , Morawiecki is killing the middle class with tributes to break the nation not only economically but culturally with refugees.


Now there is money for the mass of Ukrainians, Muslims, and for military equipment for the Ukraine that Kwasniewski and Biden are doing business on.



Fight Map.


source: BBC


The map of the fighting shows that the entire western part is without any signs of war, so that's where the Ukrainians from the east and Crimea could have taken refuge, but they are with us because Schwab, Soros and other mighty men so wished.

The anti-Polish government will not ease the burden in taxes but still tightens the screw. It is supposed to be bad, not supposed to be good.


With the news, we can put things together for ourselves. Now we can also see how the pastoria supports the beast system. I knew that the remnants who opposed the plandemi would show their face at some point, and now we can see it.

Wspierają teatr pt. Ukraina a także  Zełeńskiego, mając tylko miłosierdzie do Ukraińców, ale nie do wykańczanych gospodarczo Rosjan Bogu ducha winnych od działań człowieka ze szkoły liderów Schwaba – chazarskiego cara Putina. Właściwe to kagana Putina tak jak Kaganem jest Zełeński.




It is the average truth seeker who knows that this is the theater of the Rothschilds and Illuminati, but it is not the average pastor who purports to have the Spirit of Truth who knows this.

How foolish Christians are! By their fruits they do not see.

They swallow the antichrist like a frog swallows a fly, or like a Pole swallows Zelensky.


Never mind that in Ukraine, with the acquiescence of the authorities, there is a flourishing trade in children from surrogates.

Never mind that the president of Ukraine is of a religion opposed to Jesus.



The important thing is that Ukrainians are harmed.

Russians don't. Russians are not sacrificed to Baal. The Russians will be rich after this war probably. What a nightmarish doublespeak.


* source at bottom.



Focusing only on the fact that Russia only is evil stirs up hatred of Russia, so pastors who support only Ukraine are liars, cheats, and hate-mongers.


Listen up you sanctimonious pastor supporters.

I don't want you to read me. I ask you to leave my blog. I don't want to have readers pretending to be believers.

Go away immediately! If you watch pastors attacking ONLY Russia then just leave.



Russia is under Bolshevik-Khazar occupation just like Ukraine.


You Christian opponents of God's Word, depart from me for you are doing lawlessness with one-sidedness! If you have honor.

Yes, it is to be sharp. There is to be sanctification, or separation.



I feel sorry for the manipulated Ukrainians. Some of them panicked, although they might not have left at all. They are threatening them with sirens. This is fear management.


I met a lot of Ukrainians over the past years. Very humble people. I've grown fond of them and helped a few, but I don't gulp down this theater for the foolish.


Why do unthinking Poles suddenly now have a heart for Ukrainians but no heart for increasingly poor Poles?

Why is there no talk of killing the middle class i.e. hard working people? Why isn't there any talk about racketeering?

Because that's not what your idol is talking about on television.




But the same TV will make Ukraine good one day, and the next day, according to top-down directives, it can make it bandit.

You are worse than flags in the wind.

Enchanted by mindlessness.


You are still attacking as is appropriate from the beginning of the thinking pandemic.



Education does not speak of wisdom, nor does the fact that you know where Zanzibar is. Any grandmother from Wąchock can beat the wisdom of diplomas from leftist indoctrination forges.


In summary, knowledge is meant to be useful and not to take away our relationship with God. Let us not be robbed by infoholism.

Believers, on the other hand, should examine their hearts, which are not centered around God, but around people with authority behind the lectern on the platform.

Don't you agree? Walk away in peace. If you even know what the peace of God is.


I thought the antichrist would appear within a few years, and I was wrong in so far as he may appear as early as this year, and Christians drunk with the authority of pastors and false feelings will believe him completely. The deception will be so great that multitudes of Protestants will believe in the antichrist.



Don't be robbed of your time with God.

Updated: 2 March 2022 — 15:44

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