Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

By approaching another person without Jesus we can only hurt them.


” I choćbym miał dar prorokowania, i znał wszystkie tajemnice, i posiadał wszelką wiedzę, i choćbym miał pełnię wiary, tak, żebym góry przenosił, a miłości bym nie miał, byłbym niczym.” 1 Kor. 


We have 33,43% Christians in the world. They live in Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, and Poland and the USA. Yet they elect governments that destroy the lives of other Christians. In Donetsk already people are dying either from bullets from Christians from Russia or from bullets from Christians from Ukraine.


On the internet and offline, in the real world, verbal bullets are being fired: judgment, name-calling, condemnation, which is no different from the actions of the Khazarian government.


Everyone says they know Jesus, but few give the fruit that Jesus gave.

Nominal Christians deceive themselves by losing salvation.

If you can't look at a sinner the way Jesus looked at a sinner even though you are a sinner yourself, then don't get close to people. Work on yourself first, because you can only hurt someone.


"(1) Judge not, that ye be not judged. (2) For with such judgment as you judge, they will also judge you; and with the measure that you measure, they will measure you. (3) Why do you see the splinter in your brother's eye but not the beam in your own? (4) Or how can you say to your brother: Let me remove the splinter from your eye, when the beam /ticks/ in your eye? (5) Obłudniku, wyrzuć najpierw belkę ze swego oka, a wtedy przejrzysz, ażeby usunąć drzazgę z oka twego brata” Mt 5.


Following is instruction on how to deal with people who bring someone into condemnation:


(6) Do not give to dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them with their feet and turn and rake you.


It's not just the bullet that kills, it's the word.

Jeśli się będziesz zwierzał komukolwiek rzucisz perły przed świnie. “Świnia” ubrudzona sama, z belkami w oku nie zrozumie Cię i obróci się to przeciw Tobie. Świnia Cię rozszarpie…..


You have to be careful in all the relationships you enter into from fiancées, to approaching co-workers with your business, to online groups.

Protestantism is a hubristic bunch of people stuffed with theology. My earned motto for about 7 years: knowledge does not save.


The Word of God has saving power only if we conform ourselves to the character of Jesus Christ. If you are not at least 50% close to the character of Jesus, then you yourself do not get close to people, because without Jesus you can only hurt them.

Many young people would like to have intercourse right away. The devil wants that too, because he knows that you are unprepared for a relationship.

Za czasów Izraela męża/żonę wybierał ojciec. Dzisiaj powinien Ojciec w niebie. Niestety mało kogo to interesuje, ale wszyscy mówią “niech się dzieje wola Twoja”.


So be careful when you are in Christian groups. If you don't have love in you, then stay aside and sanctify yourself until you are ready to respect others and pray even for your enemies.

On the other hand, if you show respect to others and they declare themselves believers and are unkind to you, recognize them as heathens. See the fruit.



Chrześcijanie nie potrafią patrzeć po owocach. Chrześcijanie internetowi  oceniają innych po znajomości teologii. Jeśli tak, do doktorzy nauk teologicznych muszą mieć owoce najlepsze…..

Messianic churches saturated with Torah knowledge.


God looks at our hearts, not our knowledge of the rules.


(20) But the Lord of hosts is a righteous judge, examines the kidneys and heart.
(Jeremiah 11:20)

W świeckiej lekturze z bodajże podstawówki “Mały Książę” padły słowa, które zakodowałem sobie i pamiętam do dzisiaj: “dobrze widzi się tylko sercem”.

So let's get away from theological Christianity in favor of fruit-filled Christianity.


By approaching another person without Jesus we can only hurt them.




Updated: 23 February 2022 — 13:12

1 Comment

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  1. Thank you very much for this text, moving and shaking.

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