Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Illuminati markings on Russian tanks?

Russian military vehicles have strange markings.



These symbols resemble the illuminati symbol.



Prawdopodobnie oficjalnie mają znaczyć coś innego, ale jak wiemy symbole na “państwowych” (państw już nie ma, są korporacje) przedmiotach nadają ludzie wpływowi, a nie zwykły obywatel.



Maybe someone can explain what this symbol officially means.


One way or another Luciferianism will come out and is already coming to light.



Updated: 23 February 2022 — 10:41


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  1. I am not familiar with military markings, so I could be wrong.

    I took the time to look for military markings and found nothing that even slightly relates to those symbols in the photos.

    I found the article:

    in which the author, and those quoted by him there, also reflect on meaning and significance.

    So if we assume that not these symbols, have no, no "official" meaning, but were "invented" for the purpose of vehicle/vehicle identification, it would mean that these markings could be a specific message hidden by their symbolism in which they indulge.

    Of course, as Peter mentions, most of the symbols generally known or accepted as "standard" or, as it were, already assigned to certain events, groups, or subcultures, have their own meanings and identify their members/events to belong to the devil (heart, freedom sign, remfan star, pizza, triangle, eye, owl, chessboard especially black and white, columns, gestures and ways of shaking hands, etc.) so here, because of the media momentum, they have a special meaning.

    One has to wonder if this is not a message "hidden in plain sight" - this is certainly not about identifying the vehicles: maybe it's about where they will eventually end up, maybe it's a specific symbolic message, or maybe it's just another way to divert attention, which lucifer is a master at.

    In the west, protests by truckers, taking of private and corporate property, without warrants, court executions. Europe, the specter of war, people's protests, which as always (and those in the west too) top-down controlled. Slow entry into "normality" and lifting of restrictions, muting the issue with "p+a>n-d", though maintaining coercion including coercion of s+z+%cz.

    „Straszenie” Rosji sankcjami w szczególności odłączenia od SWIFT, na zachodzie jednoczesne, choć jeszcze nie prawdę, zmuszanie do płatności bezgotówkowych – w niektórych sklepach czy usługach nie da się już użyć fizycznej gotówki, to na starym kontynencie, powoli zaczyna być podobnie. Polska i polin nie-ład, ponowne ograniczenie transakcji gotówkowych, potężna sztuczna inflacja – utrafa wartości bezwartościowego pieniądza, usług, nieopłacalność tak gospodarcza, jak i posiadania własności, bezzasadne podniesienie wysokości mandatów, tym samym doprowadzenie wielu do rezygnacji prywatnych pojazdów oraz bankructwa – „nie będziesz posiadał nic i będziesz szczęśliwy”. Indie i ich parlament, zrobią wszystko by użyć kryptowaluty, gdyż jest to jedna „zdecentralizowana i bezpieczna jednostka płatnicza”. Chorwacja od 2023 roku w strefie euro… mógłbym tak wymieniać w nieskończoność.

    What is really going on behind the scenes? What are they trying to divert attention from?

    Refer to Scripture and you will find the answer - the ground has already been paved and prepared: "No man can buy or sell who does not have the mark - the name of the beast or the number of his name.

    1. As I wrote:

      "Due to the rise in the dollar and euro exchange rates against the background of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, problems with the availability of major Western currencies have emerged in Belarus. There are queues in exchange offices and at ATMs, independent media reported on Thursday." (

      "Huge losses in the US stock market. The NASDAQ index fell 3.3 percent at the open. This is clearly the result of Russian aggression against Ukraine." (

      People in fear will start taking money out of banks not only in the area of armed conflict but also in the rest of the countries for fear of the conflict spreading, the growing distrust of governments and the system that has been instilled through, among other things, artificial ? - this is what they had in mind; the separation of the sheep from the goats will slowly gain momentum, but it will not last long.

      Unfortunately, most children, teenagers, young people, already belong to the system more or less. Addicting children to electronics through games, payment cards for children, telling them that cryptocurrencies are the best alternative, electronic payments.

      When they make a blood sacrifice, it always means change in this case, it will be global change.

      1. “I will not be diplomatic on this. Everyone who now doubts whether Russia should be banned from SWIFT has to understand that the blood of innocent Ukrainian men, women and children will be on their hands too. BAN RUSSIA FROM SWIFT.” (Dmytro Kuleba)

      2. Literally just now:
        “Zbliża się już pakiet dodatkowych surowych sankcji wobec Rosji ze strony UE. Omówiłem wszystkie szczegóły z Emmanuelem Macronem. Żądamy odłączenia Rosji od SWIFT”

  2. Celem nie jest starcie militarne. Jest to ‘teatr’ i to do czegoś zmierza 😉 Ma nastąpić nakręcenie globalnego kryzysu ekonomicznego i finalnie upadek tegoż systemu.
    Akcja z truckersami w Kanadzie pokazuje, że była to raczej fałszywa flaga, żeby zaprezentować światu nowy rodzaj ‘obostrzeń’. Tu blokowanie kont – ad hoc, w Omanie przymus dla przedsiębiorców-masz zapewnić płatność kartą-faza pierwsza, następnie już bez problemu można zakazać płatności gotówkowych. I to wszystko z dnia na dzień. Bez wieloletnich okresów przejściowych.
    And as JamesNJ wrote, "no one can buy or sell who does not have the mark - the name of the Beast or the number of his name."

  3. Przemek, Jakub, you have interesting thoughts

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