Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Italy is no longer a country to live in for Poles.


I received this screen shot which is very symbolic from a sociological point of view:



The average person associates Italy with the Mafia, the Vatican and good food and .... liars.


In the Bible it is written about the Cretans as follows:


(12) Said one of them, their own bard: Cretans always liars, evil beasts, lazy bellies.
(Titus 1:12)


I think a significant portion of Italians are liars and so they believe liars by sticking to the screen.

Hedonism is not conducive to wisdom and therefore reason will not dawn in the minds of Italians....


According to fresh information, Italy is entering a new phase of fascism:


"From January 10, 2022, in Italy, unvaccinated people cannot use many services. Under the new regulations, only with a covid pass, issued on the basis of vaccination or cure, can you use public transport and drink coffee at a bar. Soon it will be necessary to use the services of a hairdresser and to enter a shopping mall."



In such a situation Poland becomes a politically attractive country despite the tax exploitation. Until now....


What effect does breaking the second commandment have on Italians?

What does Marian devotion, the Vatican, and belief in 55 inches give them?


 After two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, 86 percent of the population is covered, and more than 20 million people, or about 30 percent of the population, have received a third dose.


With vaccination rates close to 100%, Italy should be an oasis of health, immunity. A model for others, but how is it really?



Next week maybe be 400,000 infections This is the prediction made by Italian physicist Giorgio Sestili, who analyzed the scale of the increase in infections. He cautioned, however, that infections "won't be able to register all of them, because our capacity to perform tests is not that high."


Why? Because they believed the lie.

Satan's system does everything backwards. Schools don't teach wisdom, the health system doesn't heal, politicians don't act in the interest of the people, etc.


The question is what will happen to people who believe the new age lies and refuse to come to God and His Word?

Same as with the Italians: they will die, but a second death.





Updated: 11 January 2022 — 09:49

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