Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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The imprisonment of tennis player Novak Djokovic a illuminati.

During this whole affair, you started sending me messages about Novak Djokovic's "imprisonment", but I have been reticent in commenting on this issue.


Novak was the top ranked tennis player in the world in 2021 and I think we already know where he got his success from:



The anti-systems folks are in raptures over Novak's supposed bravery, but apparently the tennis player put on a New Year's illuminati nativity...


Of course, one swallow doesn't make a spring and I was sent a collage of photos of Novak's faith:



The whole plot was probably intended to create a show of Luciferian forces and the impotence of the anti-covids. Do you remember the imprisoned agent Bolek? They say he lived like a king.


Anti-system zealots, as usual, delighted that there is someone famous who opposes the system and suffers because of the system have fallen into the trap of diverting attention from the fulfilling prophecies, but especially from Jesus and the Word.


I myself was fooled by Komarenko, though not in the sense of anti-system: i.e., Komarenko as a liberator, but I believed he was against the system.


That's not all...





In the above photo Novak with an order (Maltese cross) . The so-called Order of St. Sava.




People are deceived by anti-systems, but the truth is the light in this darkness of theirs.

I recall a scene from a Metallica video where such an anti-system person turned out to be an agent:



I don't have to comment on everything right away. Sometimes I need time to assess a situation and that was the case here....


The mass of anti-Kavidian sites are agents. I could hypothesize that 95% of all the best known ones.


The purpose of this agency is to move people away from God. In time they will reveal themselves as Luciferians.



Praise Jesus.







Updated: 11 January 2022 — 11:38

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  1. "The mass of anti-Kavidian sites are agents. I could hypothesize that 95% of all the best known ones"

    I just want to add that not only those "anti-kidnappers" but in every field whether faith, science, sports, politics, etc ... For example, on Youtube there are a lot of misleaders people do not distinguish the wheat from the tares because they do not care about seeking the truth and even less about deconstruction of the "right". I myself have been burned several times and I know how difficult it is to find someone honest on the Internet. We live in an information war where truth is a scarce commodity and you have to make an effort to get it.

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