Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

World War 3 closer. Iran launches 16 ballistic missiles capable of attacking Israel.

I am not writing this article for views. Anyway, the topic stopped being popular a long time ago when nothing happened after some spectacular actions in the world.

These include the killing just before the plandium of Iranian General Suleimani, Russia's April exercises near the border of more than 150,000 troops.

Then there are the minor but important war preparations in the whole mosaic: Biden's gift to the Afghans and the transfer of millions of dollars worth of armaments, the conflict on the Polish-Belarusian border, or China's threats against Taiwan.


Fresh news though it is one of those swallows that don't make spring, but rather Dark Winter in this case has meaning.




Iran fired multiple ballistic missiles Friday at the end of a five-day military exercise that generals said was a warning to Israel and included a feigned attack on an Israeli nuclear facility.

According to The Times of Israel "These exercises were aimed at responding to threats from the Zionist regime." - Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces General Mohammad Bagheri told state television.

„Szesnaście pocisków wycelowało i unicestwiło wybrany cel. W tym ćwiczeniu rozmieszczono część setek irańskich pocisków zdolnych do zniszczenia kraju, który odważył się zaatakować Iran” – dodał. Szef Korpusu Strażników Rewolucji Islamskiej generał dywizji Hossein Salami dodał: „Ćwiczenia wojskowe… są poważnym ostrzeżeniem dla urzędników reżimu syjonistycznego… Popełnijcie najmniejszy błąd, odetniemy im rękę”


Someone will say it's just a scare game.

However, we are well aware that things are getting hotter on the Ukrainian-Russian border.


New satellite images taken by a private U.S. company show that Russia has continued to build up its forces in annexed Crimea and near Ukraine in recent weeks, while pressuring the United States to hold talks on the security guarantees it seeks.

The Kremlin reiterated Friday that it reserves the right to move its own forces into Russian territory at its own discretion while Western countries conduct provocative military maneuvers near its borders.

U.S., European and Ukrainian leaders have accused Russia of re-establishing troops near the Ukrainian border since October, following an earlier brief aggregation in April when Maxar also released photos. U.S. President Joe Biden and other leaders say Moscow appears to be considering an attack on Ukraine as early as next month, something Moscow has repeatedly denied.


Amazing Luciferian theater. There are Khazarian Zionists on both sides. It's all about destroying the economies of already moribund countries, intimidating people and sacrificing them to their god.

Satan is not under the power of only one country: Russia or the USA or Russia or Ukraine. He has all countries under his power.


Rosja nie wyklucza rozmieszczeni broni nuklearnej…


We Europeans of the 21st century, apart from the Balkans, are not used to wars and our mentality does not accept the outbreak of a potential war. Hence, as I mentioned in the introduction, such texts are not popular and are perceived to scare and increase the number of views, but the news create an image as if war was imminent.


Antychryst ma przyjść jako człowiek pokoju. Idealną sytuacją więc byłoby gdyby przyszedł albo zażegnując wojnę w trakcie jej trwania albo na wstępie…


In Ukraine, a test of anti-aircraft sirens is announced for December 29.

I think the vast majority of the population is not prepared for war either spiritually or physically.


The good news is (in my estimation) that, as I have been saying for the past 7 years or so, the war will last six months at most.

The bad thing is that Luciferianism will come to light.


Plandemic was prepared for decades. So was the war.




Iran, Russia, China are one side of the conflict, but the other side includes Israel, the US and all of political Zionism.


Muslims and painted Christians, or lukewarm Christians, are deceived.


No one wants war to break out, but if there is war, it will be the effect and result of the ungodliness of the whole world.

Dlatego do pozytywów należy nawrócenie się części ludzkości. Jezus już wtedy nie będzie tylko w formie wyżerki na tak zwaną wigilię , ale na ustach wielu obecnych pseudochrześcijan “Jezu ratuj”.


(28) Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Fear rather him who can lose both soul and body in the fires of hell.
(Matthew 10:28)

Wywiad ukraiński (śmiechy…. wszyscy oni to wielka rodzina) przekazał informacje światu, że Rosja zaatakuje na przełomie stycznia i lutego. Tak może być, zwłaszcza, że Gates, Fauci oraz polscy przekupni “medycy” wieszczą, że łóżek zabraknie w lutym…Może zbieżność, a może loża przekazała światu informacje.


Dark Winter as a military operation may not be about stabbing darkness at all. Of course, time will tell.


At best, there will be an economic war.


My wierzący biblijnie przygotowujmy się przede wszystkim duchowo i czuwajmy, gdyż żyjemy jeszcze na ziemi…


Praise Jesus who is coming to destroy Satan's system.






Updated: 28 December 2021 — 09:44

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