Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The backstory of the PIZZAGATE pedophile scandal involving top politicians.


The case is not new, but one, the video below is a very thorough collection of evidence, and two you will see who is behind what is happening in the world right now.


People need to know who is introducing the planned demonia and what awaits them in a few years. For what purpose the sodomy law is being introduced.

After this material you will change your perspective on politics. You will see what threatens communism, the satanic culture of Marina Abramovich, which is in Polish art textbooks...

The film also talks about the occult code that companies like Johnson and Johnson and Algida promote. It is also about statements made by actors warning about pedophile psychopaths in Hollywood.

It's about adrenochrome for psychopaths.



In my opinion, the famous musician Avici was murdered for the following video which is evidence in the case.

:It shows the hunting of children.




The world is ruled by evil men and rescue is only in God Jesus Christ.

If you are not indifferent to the harm done to these children, please pray that the good Lord will stop all these people and turn them from this vile path. Mention the names in your prayers.



Updated: 22 November 2021 — 12:04


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  1. To wszystko jest takie wstrętne i przerażające.. Wierzę, że sprawiedliwość Boga Najwyższego przyjdzie w odpowiednim momencie.

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